Cнα⅊тɛʀ 6 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

It was like déjà vu all over again as I woke up another morning, again too early for anyone's liking, but still stubbornly radiant with its bright sunlight and crispy air with dew rippling all over the front porch.

Another morning where I got dressed into some fancy office clothes, this time a black short sleeved shirt that hugged my waist, a black blazer rimmed with white stitches intertwined in the material and a light blue skirt that fitted around my legs paired to black heels. The outfit was morbid, to say the least, any stranger would think I was arriving to a funeral, a stark contrast to what the day actually looked like. Yet, that's exactly what I felt like when I was dressing up to go to work, I was heading to a funeral.

What made this day slightly different than all the other days was the fact that I actually wanted to make a good impression on Elijah, not that it would actually work considering that Elijah would first need a heart above all else. This time I wanted to arrive early to work, maybe even earlier than Elijah himself.

Heading downstairs internal alarm bells started to ring when I noticed the silence existing in the house like an unwelcome guest. Unable to find my mom after searching the entire house for her I began to shout her name a few times, a sure-fire way guaranteed to make my mom boil and come running out of her hiding place in order to strangle me for disrupting her peace, 'A maniac in disguise', I mocked. But the only response I received back was the neighbourhood dog barking loudly and their owner groggily yelling for the dog to shut up. I sent a quiet apology to the neighbours before carrying on with my hunt for anyone in this house, a defiant nature coming out as I pretended to be an opera singer.

Once the entire house was ransacked, I determined that mom wasn't home in the end and my sister had gone to school. However, there was left-over pizza in the freezer and as much as I wanted a healthy breakfast, I was lazy. 'Baby steps', I thought to myself, 'I'm arriving at work early today so as a reward I'm going to have pizza for breakfast', I nodded as I microwaved the food, peeping through the glass in starvation as the counter ticked down in a goading way.

Gobbling the food down at the counter I peered at the living room, catching a small white note laying on the coffee table. It was from my mom, I realised as I inspected the note and read that she'd gone to her friend's house. 'Why didn't mom tell me about her friend? Maybe it was an emergency', I tried to convince myself, yet a niggling thought in the back of my mind made me open to other ideas.

Once I was prepped for work and ready to leave the house, I locked the doors and stepped out onto the front porch. A wispy breath of air left me as the morning chill vivaciously swamped my body. To prove my point of déjà vu, Mark was once again standing beside the black SUV as he straightened his suit jacket and spared me a quick simple smile.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now