Always There For Each Other

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Yasmine thought, "Aladdin , whom I trusted so much, has now betrayed me and he has proved himself that he is a cheater to his city just like his father. I cannot even believe he would stoop so low and do something like this! I will never ever forgive him in my life for he killed my beloved Abbu.... I am feeling so relieved right now for I gave him the perfect punishment to do something like this! With this punishment in which he is inside the wall live, he will learn a lesson of what happens if you do this..." Her thoughts were interrupted by her friend who had just entered the room , Piddi . "Shahzadi Yasmin , are you okay?" Yasmine quickly wiped her tears with the back of her hands , so that Piddi would not notice her crying. She replied , "Yes , I am alright... Just shook about today's happenings..." Their conversation was rudely interrupted by Nazneen , who entered the room , knocking on the door. "Aadaab Shahzadi . I have come to inform you that everyone in the aavaam is now satisfied with the punishment that you have given to Aladdin . I hope I did not interrupt you. I am just leaving now..." , said Nazneen . Yasmine sighed . She herself was confused of what to feel - angry or sad? What she had done was just a behaviour of a Psycopath in the decisions made in a hurry , without complete proof . She ordered Piddi that she wanted to be left alone for some time. She started thinking that she had announced the punishment with no proof that Aladdin had done this . Was she wrong? While all this was going on in the palace , poor Aladdin , who was currently suffocating in the wall , being buried alive and all , with no food or water , was thinking why he was being punished when it was not even his fault . He prayed to his father above in heavens ,"Father , these people do not know anything . But you have seen everything from above up there . Do you also think that it was my fault ? If you think that I am innocent , please help me down here . I am innocent , swear on you . And do you think I would falsely swear on you dear father?" Up in the sky , where the heaven is located , his father heard his son's prayer . Now , of course he could not go down there and free him , but he could make someone realize and release his innocent son from the wall of punishment . He did some soft magic , which made Yasmine think what a fool she had been to believe Zafar that her true love , Aladdin had killed her beloved father . She thought whether it was too late to apologize now . Nevertheless , she decided she had to do whatever she could do improve her mistake . She quickly put on her Kaali Chorni outfit , and set out of the palace secretly at night to rescue Aladdin from the wall , as now she had realized her vey silly but blunder mistake . She ran as fast as she could and reached to the wall in about 2 minutes . She tiptoed towards the wall without making a single noise , and put her ear onto the wall to try to hear if Aladdin was speaking anything . It was the silent hours of the night , except for the noise of crickets and the shouts from houses . She whispered in a low voice towards the wall , "Kale Chor?" He replied ,"Nakchadi? What are YOU doing here at THIS hour of the night?" Yasmine kind of hesitated to say this ,"Um... Actually I am here to get you out of this wall... I know you might be pissed off from me , but just half an hour ago , I realized and recognized my mistake .... What I did to you was wrong , and all I did was out of anger with no proof ... I do not even know if I am capable of asking you for an apology  , but I do ask for apology ... Will you forgive me Aladdin?" Aladdin sighed loudly and replied ,"Of course I would forgive you Nakchadi , but what about the aavaam? If they find out you freed me , they will consider that you have cheated with them ." Yasmine thought about that a bit . She finally bravely replied ,"We will deal with them later , first things first .." She quickly removed all the stones and rocks , and within 10 minutes , Aladdin was out , very much alive . He hugged her and she apologized for her absurd behaviour . He then quickly dusted himself . Then they decided what they wanted to do next . They both agreed upon going in search of clues for the real culprit , and finding proof in the most fool proof way as possible , so as to be hidden from the aavaam . They first got back Aladdin's brother , Jinu with the help of his mom , then he disguised himself as Aly and with his brother's help , they found out that the real culprit was Zafar , not innocent Aladdin ... Alasmine are always there for each other , no matter which war happens or what fight happens . #AlasmineAreImmortalForever 


That was it for my opinion on what should have happened after the wall burial scene . Hope you like it!


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