when I saw you

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When I saw you

You were just another girl,

Wearing a hoodie.

It was our school's annual day night,

Cold and freezing!

Our eyes met and you smiled.

Your hair shined,

Like the color of magic,

And danced along the wind as it gazed by, it all happened under the school's street light.

You stood there with your hands in your hoodie's pocket

Doing nothing much just smiling and talking.

Oh!! What a pretty sight was that,

I couldn't help getting stuck and just stare

It was almost time for the annual function to start,

You walked into the light and disappeared from my eye-sight.

Back to reality was where I stumbled upon,

Hoping, wondering will I be able to see her soon or not?

Beep! Buzzed my cell, it was a text from you which read, "Hey the function started. Where are you at?"

I smiled and thought to myself,

You "weren't" just another girl

Wearing a hoodie that night.

When I saw you Where stories live. Discover now