Chapter 2

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I sigh as another minute passes by and we still haven't moved from our place in line. We were waiting in line to enter a restaurant, which looked to be the only one for miles ahead, and behind. Between the five of us, we were taking turns walking around but with just miles and miles of highway surrounding us, there wasn't really anything left to do except wait in the line, which resulted in all five of us standing in the smoldering heat at 2 in the afternoon. 

As we waited, I realized that the family behind us were Indian, usually, this would thrill me as I wouldn't expect to see any Indians anywhere near where we were, but listening to what they said in Hindi, I was getting angrier by the second. Jake must have noticed my expression because he worriedly asked what was wrong, making sure that Alison didn't hear us, I told Jake and Ryder that the family behind us were bitching about how she and Jason were 'so close together'. 

"That's it," I muttered as I turned around to confront them before either Ryder or Jake got the chance to stop me. Behind us, or well infront of me right now, was an Indian family of three. A girl who looked to be around 15, a boy my age and a lady who I assume was their mother. The son and daughter looked normal enough, and I hadn't heard them say anything, but the minute I looked at the lady I wanted to laugh. She wore a bright, neon yellow shirt with jeans and a face caked with so much make-up that she looked like the stepmother from the Cinderella story, however, due to the heat, her sweat has made the makeup run down her face, making her face look like plastic that was melted off.

"Hi, my name is Alia and I don't know who you are but I know this for sure that you have no right to judge any of my friends for what they are wearing, or doing. So, I kindly suggest that you keep your judgmental thoughts to yourself and butt out, thanks."

"Excuse me, how rude! Didn't your parents teach you any manners, or to respect your elders?" she screeched, making a face that honestly looked like a constipated duck."I should be asking you that shouldn't I? And yes my parents did teach me respect and manners, but I don't respect judgmental old hags who are butting in and insulting people when they have no right to. My parents also taught me to stand up for what is right, and aunty everything you are doing isn't right. I mean, shouldn't you be teaching your children better manners"

"STEPCHILDREN" the siblings shouted at the same time. Until now the two of them had been watching on the side-lines, with amused looks on their faces. With that, the lady made a big sigh and stormed off after muttering that she will wait in the car for her food.

"Sorry about her. Our dad planned this trip for 'family-bonding' but got stuck behind so we have to endure 15 hours in the car ride with the old bat" the son apologized as he made a disgusted and slightly scared face.

"No worries, I wish you the best of luck," I chuckle and turn around, only to see that we had reached the front of the line. With that, I smile and wave at them before meeting my friends at arriving at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Who was that? That guy is so cute, he was totally flirting with you" Alison all but screamed out as I reach her, knowing how sensitive my friend was I just smiled and said that I was not interested in him, giving Jake and Ryder a knowing look to keep their mouths shut.

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