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Its 6 A.M. Im sleeping peacefully untill i hear the sound of shovels and moaning i grab my pistol and look through the window seeing 10 figures look back at me coming closer. I open the door pointing my shotgun my pistol is stashed in my pocket i said, "HEY WHAT ARE DOING ON MY PROPERTY?!?!" They moan even more i hear BRAINZZZZZ! I looked suspiciously at them i said ill shoot i counted 1...2...3! BAM one went down the others kept coming i notoced 8 where was the other one turned out it jumped on my back i slammed it on the floor and knifed it in the chest. ok 8 more they came from many areas of the farm surronding me i took the pistol out POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP!!! shooting in a circle watching the figures drop DEAD. Untill one big one came out of the corn stalks it had two heads a bloody police uniform and was walking fast. I grabed the shot gun and BLAM! WHAT it didnt go down it kept creeping over here BLAM BLAM BLAM finally it slowed down and face planted i noticed something shiny on the belt i pulled it out AWESOME turned out i found a Uzi pistol i looked and saw that the faces were green and decaying i looked in fear and noticed THAT THIS WAS THE APOCALYPSE! I decided to head to the city untill i heard church bells ringing and someone yell HELP HELP PLEASE SOMEONE! I ran toward the church and noticed a dead man lying there not decaying but a bloody murder. I said im to late i noticed car keys at the belt and evacuation route map. I saw a police car and tried the keys DANG didnt work i saw another gun sitting by the church and it was empty DANGIT i yelled it was a double barrel shotgun so i took it and slammed my fist through the police car and hot wired it and headed toward the city. Good god i looked in awe the entire city was full of zombies cars were flipped buildings on fire tanks exploding. I noticed a ice cream truck playing a creepy tune. Even though that its the same song you hear but it gave it a weird atmosphere. I headed on i saw zombies everwhere at the square there were hospital tents and noticed a bloody sign it said ZOMBIE FEEDING AREA i said why the heck is this here i climbed the fence and saw ammo i needed it anyways so i creeped to the tent grabbed all that ammo. Until i felt nibbling at my foot it was a swat zombie nibbling through my shoe I gave it a hard kick in the head it growled and wusses off. I got out of there as fast as I could. I should've used stealth though it attracted all of them about lets say 68 i saw a grenade without the pin pulled i grabbed and pulled the pin dropped and yelled SYANAROUS SUCKERS! I didnt look back all i heard a boom in the distance turning and saw that there was a crate of gunpowder was right where the grenade was. I got in the police car and drove to the bridge i got out of the car the bridge was blocked off with busses trucks and cars i hopped over a SUV and saw more cars then went to the bridge BUSTED i yelled its FREAKIN BUSTED GREAT JUST GREAT! Knew i shouldnt have lost my temper all the zombies came from everywhere i said AW CRAP! I jumped off the bridge falling slowly falling but fast i belly flopped in the water landing hard with pain i slowly paddled up GASP i took huge gulps of air the zombies looked down at me confused one fell of and landed face first in a truck. I swam toward i forest i noticed that it was the forest i went to when i was little im 31 now all changed after 19 years. I got up climbed the rocks and gripped the grass just lying on my stomach i looked at the sign it said SLENDERS FOREST. I said WTF got up and climbed the huge fence i noticed RVS and fire pits one was still burning dimly i gathered wood and made it right by a RV i looked at my watch it was 11:00 P.M. So i killed the bright fire to a ember fire and tried to warm up in the RV. It wasnt the best place to sleep it was clutered with stuff and blood was in the noticle room of the RV. I found the bed it was bare with sheets so i just slept there wasnt really the best sleep quarters at all. 12:00 A.M. I woke up hearing whispering and groaning i got up and looked outside i kept walking when i found bare trees one of them was red and making all the noises then i felt a slipery thing on my shoulder turned around and WHAM punched ITS face well there was NO face it was white and bare it wore a tux and his hands were bloody. SLENDER i thought grabed the double barrel shotgun and shot him in the chest he belowed and noticed his legs were intestants i almost barfed so i sliced his legs off while he was trying to scutter back up yet he just laid there and died and saw a rapid fire sniper rifle with a scope in one of the abandoned huts in the closet heck it even had a chest strap for easy carry go's. Useful i thought so i headed through the cave and i was out of that nightmare but the land was a desert i kept following the road till it lead to a big building named AREA 51. I said wow its actually true...thought it was a myth. So i grabed the rifle peeked through and said ANYBODY HOME? I heard it echo i looked around there were static computers and TVS and the halls were a mess with files papers stuff like that the bathrooms had glass everwhere and blood. I found a dark hallway it was making a humming noise till it got REALLY bright i focused my eyes and saw UFOS and these glowing alien boxes of color and there was a hallway FULL of them there was a gold lighted hallway it lead to all these ALIENS lying on stretchers with DNA samples and documenterys i took a peek at this one alien it was...breathing it got up and started staring at me quickly i got the rifle and shot it i knew that aliens might harm me then i heard rustling i looked and saw all of the subject tested aliens rise and stared quickly got the fire and stared pointing at them all my rifle had good power to i shot all of the tiny little teen sized aliens with my rapid fire rifle i heard a weird voice down the halls and saw a zombie scientist i quickly shot him he was not that agile. So i heard this hissing noise and went to the UFO room i saw the blue spacecraft open i jumped on it and pointed the gun it was only a man a scientist actually he yelled DONT SHOOT ME! I dropped the gun. Then i asked him whats going on turned out he knew nothing about the apocalypse. He gave me a alien gun in return it was really cool. He then showed me a portal blue and prysim like i jumped in it and i was in this pyscotic school with thrown chairs and poor dead teens probaly around 18 for the most this one room was upside down and everthing was at a still state affecting nothing like no gravity at all. And the strangest room was lead by a hall but its metal like with square holes like a prison with books on the other side then led to that room that very room of a nightmare it was all large but rows of dead teenage skeletons and random doors that led to nothing and there were everywhere on the walls. Then the school yard the sky was red and the river was actually lava i saw this school girl in a corner rocking back in forth with her hands around her legs and looking scared and hopeless. This girl was 16 a cheerleader uniform on and ginger hair with ocean blue eyes. Pretty but to young. I wonder what happened to my wife...WAIT im single now that made me sad in this scary atmosphere i thought SUCK IT UP your in the thirty's everyones dead! I walked up to her she looked back i asked what happened she didnt respond and didnt want to so i comforted her and she finally told me that they were digging and found a portal and found this red and stone parallel dimension with crystals she woke up a sleeping dragon that was the king of the place so he sent all tje zombies and monsters to the world we live in EARTH. So when i told her that im trying to end it i heard noises through the halls nurses and these pink bloody figures came running out i yelled GET BEHIND ME! I started shooting they fell one by one. Finally she said after the shooting dig where that soft ground is thats where the portal is i dug and dug i said laughing this isint the job to do for a apocalypse. I found the portal same as always the same shape and color sea blue crystal before we jumped through it i said home sweet home. So be both jumped through it we landed right in a utopia with monsters ive never seen before blue zombies slime monsters red spiders and six legged stalkers like all black yellow green with no eyes just a big mouth. I decided to shoot the rest while she sat on a cliff avoiding all dangers. After that it was dark so i saw the houses in the utopia i lit a candle laid out some mats and we both went to sleep. Next morning we traveled to this arabian desert. With mummies yellow stalkers and mummified bats. She sat on the side of a sphinx while explored the place while shooting the mummies i found a tomb which led to a creepy display it inhabited a red stalker so many stalker colors i thought finally it died with a thud dust went everwhere. I walked out of the pyramid she jumped off and we headed north. Good lord it was freezing we found a ice castle with diamond swords sticking out of two snow golems weirdly the pumpkin heads were green so i took a diamond sword and threw away that stupid knife. We stumbled a sleeping king of the snow islands it was a pumpkin lord he woke up and i quickly sliced off his head because us both were cold. Next morning i found floating islands which connected with us by a bridge. Which i didnt want to freeze in the frigid water so i found this shovel and paddle with the shovel with the girl we were both standing on a tiny ice patch of land. Finally ariving at the sky islands. There were flying zombie pigs i found a steel crossbow and shot a pig best part was it wasnt zombified so we spent the night stuffed with porkchops for food. Then we arrived at a volcano it had a castle in it luckly we didnt have to fight fire demons i hope. Then the bridge gave away we fell and landed right in a horde of them all i quickly grabed my alien gun and shot them it didnt do a thing they captured both of us till i grabbed my sword from the winter island and spun in a circle they all faded like ash and died i yelled to the girl LETS GET OUT OF HERE we climbed the rocks to the top we were both covered in ash a fire rose out of there and spawned a fire lord with a very dark cloak i grabbed the crossbow and shot him he CAUGHT the arrow and threw it back and missed i took my advantage and kicked him down in the lava of the volcano red dust came out of him and came toward us i stared in confusion the dust formed into that same portal but red i looked them took the school girls hand and both jumped in the portal we both woke up in this island with towers of this red stone and the rock monsters. I said ok one last horde of monsters i used the crossbow and shot one by one poorly affecting the monsters so i got the double barrel shot gun and killed them then the dragon flew up i took the same gun and kept shooting it i yelled to the school girl GO RUN HIDE...ILL TAKE CARE OF THE DRAGON i kept shooting he only grunted then he took me upward with his mouth and was trying to drop me i struggled then i took out the sword and sliced his left wing i heard a tear like ripping paper he dropped me and he fell i landed on my stomach HARD he fell hard to i took the sword wiped the blood off my busted lip and was about to slam my sword hard into his head he yelled STOP DONT OK OK OK YOU WIN ILL GET RID OF THE MONSTERS JUST SPARE ME!!! I dropped the sword i said guess we got off on the wrong foot dont you know were alike. He said ITS NOT JUST THAT. So then the school girl came by the dragon the dragon said here let me show you get on my back.


Sorry readers when the game was made the only had partialy of the game made im still waiting for rilisoft to finish the last world on the game. You might be waiting for months sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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