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  • Dedicated to My Dirty Minded Friend (;

Ava walked into her room and threw her things down.

Tears rolling down her cheeks. She crashed onto her bed.

"Dammit! Why? Why the Fuck is this happening?!"

She ran into the bathroom and threw up, choking on her spit as hot tears burned down her cheeks once again..

Her phone began to ring.


"What do you want ?!" She cried into the phone.

"Ava. Baby, please. I didn't mean it.. Please. Can I come over? We'll talk about it."

"What's there to talk about Alex ? I'm pregnant! It's not my fault. What was I suppose to do? Let him kill me?! You know what it's like... I trusted you! And you ran off and hooked up with some whore because you couldn't handle it."

"How was I suppose to react? My girlfriend getting raped by her uncle, and won't let me help her? Blackmailing me so I won't tell anybody?! And now you're pregnant! I thought it was mine but now..."

"It is Alex..."

"How do you know? Ava.. I. I want to work this out... But . I'm not sure.."

"You just called to fix things and now you're changing your mind?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just so confused! It's not the best of things to happen babe."

"Don't call me babe..."

"Ava. Please. Don't be like this..."

"Sorry Alex... But I have to be. Don't worry about the baby..."

"Ava. Come outside. We'll go for a drive and talk."



"Ms. Rhymes , can you follow me please?"

Ava nodded.

"Sign here and here. This will insure your uncle isn't allowed anywhere near you. The final part."

"Thank you..." Ava signed the papers.

"And miss? How long will he be in jail?"

"Long enough."


"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't even want to call Alex, my love?"

"No mom... I'm fine. He doesn't want us."

The family walked up to me with tears in there eyes as I held my son for the first and last time. Then I handed him straight to them and ran off with tears threatening to come streaming down my face.


ONE YEAR LATER: (New school. New friends. New Ava.)

"Hey Ava." Said Jeff.

"Jeff! Hey! What up?"

"So I was thinking... How-."

"Babe.. We both know I call the shots. Cute though.. No. You're picking me up at midnight and we'll go to the park. I'll bring the handcuffs, and you bring beer?" She bit her lips and looked deep into his eyes.

All he could do was nod.

She laughed and walked away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(So what do you guys think so far? Can I have comments?)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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