Roc fanfic. ∞

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Part 1.

She wakes up to a loud, annoying buzzing noise. Rolling over, she turns off her alarm clock and groans getting up. Genesis picks up the picture of her and her bestfriend, Roc and kisses the side he is on. "One day you'll know how much i love you." she mumbles. She walke into the bathroom and freshens up.

"Genesis! Are you in the bathroom?" her mom yells from the kitchen.

"Yes mother." Gen says with a mouth full of foamy toothpaste. "what should i wear?" she think. She rinses her mouth and goes back into to her room and searches her closet. "This will do i guess" she throws on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt and cardigan, with her black toms.

"You hungry birthday girl?" says her mom. Genesis does nothing but smile.

"Haha, yea. What'd you make?"

"Your favorite. French toast, eggs and bacon!" her mom beams.

"You're the best mom!" Gen kisses her mom's cheek and gobbles down her food. "Delicious like always! See you after school mom, love you bye."

"Lovee you!" replies her mom.

Genesis grabs her bag, and makes her way down the block to her busstop. She slows down, passing her girl-bff's house, Alexis. Alexis hops down the steps of her front porch. "Oh my gosh! BFF it's your 15th birthday!" she kisses Gen's cheek.

"My god, i know! I don't feel any different though."

"I don't think you're supposed to" laughs Alexis. "Come on, the bus is coming." the girls get on the bus and sit next to eachother. "You think he'll ask you today?"

"Who'll ask what?" Gen says confused.

"Genni stop! You know who im talking about and what!" says Alexis.

"Alex don't play games, you know Roc doesn't like me in that way! We're only friends, more like a brother! And that's all we'll ever be." Genesis pouts.

"He totally has a crush on you and you know it." Alexis eats her poptart, and the bus comes to a stop at another busstop.

"Here he comes." Gen whispers. "Move!" Alexis switches over to the seat next to them just as Roc gets on the bus. Genesis can't help but blush. 'He's so handsome, why must..' her thoughts are inturrupted.

"Wassup Alex," Roc takes a seat next to Genesis and he looks over to her. "Sup Gen.. i mean birthday girl." He gives her a long, tight hug.

Gen looks over to Alexis "He likes you!!" mouthed Alex. Gen rolled her eyes, and blushed.

"Dang, i forgot your present at home!" said Roc. "I had it on my bed so i can remember too! Ha, guess you'll have to come over after school."

"Alright, i'll just tell my mom." replied Gen. She can't help but just smile from ear to ear. Taking out her phone, she texts Alexis: 'AAAAAAAHHHH.'

In the next chair Alex takes out her phone and laughs out loud at the text. "wow" is all she says.

They arrive at school and make their way to their classes. The day zooms by quick! By the end of the day, Genesis has gotten 7 balloons and 4 presents. She gets her things from her locker, and makes her way out the school to the bus. Someone taps her shoulder on her way out. gen turns around. "Roc, hi." she smiles.

"Need help with that?" he asks.

"Please." Gen hands Roc her bag to carry and ties the balloons on the handles of her presents so they wouldn't fly away. "I didn't know i would get this much things this year." They both laughed.

"Now to my house." says Roc with the most sexiest voice ever.. Genesis feels her cheeks getting hot. They get on the bus, and get off at his stop, and go into his house. "Mom!" Roc yells. No one answers. He looks at Gen, "Guess there's no one home."

"So we're here alone?" her voice gets shaky. Just then, Roc's dog, King, shows up.

"Not quite." Roc laughs. Genesis exhales.

"Great." she smiles.

"Upstairs." he says.

"Upstairs." she repeats. Gen goes into his room, and kicks off her shoes, and jumps on his bed. "Ahhhh, im super tired."

"My mom must've been in my room again, haha my bed is fixed, which means she moved the present.." He searches the room looking for the gift. He picks up a little box labeled "To: Genni <3 From: Your bff, Roc :)" He hands it to Gen, and sits next to her on the bed.

She sits up, opening the box. She peeks in and her eyes open wide. in the box, glistening is a diamond bracelet, with cursive letters spelling "Roc & Gen" with a heart. "oh my god, Roc." she hugs him tightly. "You're the best boyfr-..... i mean bestfriend ever." she looks down hiding her blush.

Roc laughs, "there's something else in the box." he says clearing his throat.

She puts the bracelet down on the bed sheet, and takes the stuffing out the box. On the bottom, there's a small note. She swallows as her heart races. Slowly she opens the note as it reads: "Genesis, we've been bestfriends since elementary school. As we grew older, and changed, I've noticed everything about you, you're gorgeous white smile, your cute, sometimes annoying laugh that i love gives me butterflies. I know, corny. But now I know, you're the one for me. no one can replace you, you're my bestfriend Gen, and maybe, hopefully... my girlfriend? I love you. <3 Roc."

She looks up at Roc, "Roc.. I-I don't know what to say."

"I knew you didn't have feelings.. i-it's okay i guess.." he sounds sad.

"wait, no.. Roc you're amazing.." she leans over and plants her lips on his, She feels him smiling through the kiss. Gen pulls back and folds the note, and puts it back in the box.

"This.. is the start of a new relationship." Roc says as he puts the bracelet on Genesis. :)

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