Tapping Time

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You have ten minutes. He told me.

         Ten minutes is enough time to decide on what outfit you were going to wear that day. Ten minutes is enough time to get a carton of milk from the market down the street. Ten minutes is enough time to do a lot of things, but ten minutes is not enough time to do this.

         Ten minutes.

         My feet shuffled across the aged hardwood floor to my mess of a bedroom. I shoved the door open and once I entered, nudged it closed with a flip of my foot. After the door was shut, I threw my body onto the grey rug next to my bed and pushed the covers to the top. Under it, was a large, worn floral printed backpack with all sorts of pockets and zippers along the sides that were filled with everything I needed. My hands reached for the bag and dragged it out from under the bed. I pulled myself to my knees and opened the school bag to reveal a pocketknife. The blade swung open with a click of a button.

         Nine minutes.

         I took a deep breath and forced a small rug away from me, unmasking a latch that was sealed closed with rubber. I dragged the knife across the sealant to tear it apart. Once the latch was stripped of it barrier a quiet tapping emerged from the cracks as if it was counting down the time I had left before he came to check on me.

         Eight minutes.

         My fingers pushed into the crack and attempted to lift it open, but to no avail. The latched didn’t budge. I tried again, this time digging my nails into the wood trying to get a better grip. The door gave way and the tapping grew louder, continuing to tick away the time left.

         Seven minutes.

         Cool air sweep in from the endless darkness before me sending chills down my spine. The opening seemed to never end, there was no way of knowing what is down there, or how far down it went. I reached my hand into my backpack and pulled out a box of matches. I pulled one out and scraped it down the side until a small amount of fire appeared on the end of the wood. I released the match into the passageway and watched it drop. The match dropped about eight feet until it hit the ground and went out.

         Six minutes.

         As the tapping continued, I placed my feet over the top of the ledge and zipped up the bag before placing it over my shoulder. With a heavy exhale, and a tight grip on the flashlight next to me and pushed off my bedroom floor and into the darkness.

         Five minutes.

         My feet and hands hit the floor simultaneously with a thud which was louder than I would have liked but the social worker was ancient, there’s no way he heard. I reached for my flashlight, which had rolled a few feet away. The tapped started again, but now it was a louder, more high-pitched sound, almost a shrill. My thumb switched the lever on the light and the ten feet ahead of me became visible. It was a tunnel made of stone, and it looked like it hadn’t been walked in in decades. There was dusky cobwebs hanging from the top that stretched to the bottom and drops of moisture trickled down the boulder walls. I pushed myself to my feet and stepped forward into further darkness.

         Four minutes.

         The rhythmic sound became so loud that it hardly qualifies as a ‘tap’ anymore. The vibration waves started to make my head throb and the pathway began to spin. I placed my hand against the cool stone and stopped running. My breathing became more rapid and I could feel my heartbeat in my temples. Before I knew it, my entire side was leaning on the moist wall. Darkness filled my sight and my mind went blank.

         Three minutes.

         Two minutes.

         One minute.

         Time’s up. 



Hey lovelies :) 

This is my first chapter of my first stroy ever on this website. I've been working on the storyline of this story for 5 YEARS. I just recently started to rewrite it. I hope you enjoyed :3

Please lemme know what you think of it so far, by rating and commenting :)

I hope you have a wonderful day & I'll be updating pretty soon maybe even today :D 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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