Day 2

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Have you ever seen those everlasting jokes on the Internet that refers to Mondays applying to be the most tiring and exhausting days? That pretty much has the lessons that requires you to put full attention? Its true, that Mondays were a pain in the ass for most of us, but its not that big of a deal this year. For me, Mondays are the type of days where you work to your own mindset that doesn't require a lot of conversations going on about life. Its more of a peaceful day. But its more of a different story everyday of course, but the 8th Of December just ain't one of those bad days.

Now that I've mentioned 8/12/14, its N's birthday. Not the closest friend you could have, but he is pretty much updated in everything. Turning 17 in Year 11 is quite the odd thing, because most of Year 11 range from ages of 15-16. But immigration that takes place when you are older and haven't taken part of the GCSE program forces you to attend Year 10 before Year 11. I find it hysterical that he is older than some of the Year 12s, who are technically supposed to be in college or even, University. It makes me glad that he had a sense of humor that I would gift him a Common item in Dota 2, which technically means that I am giving him an item that did not require effort to get as a birthday present. Some people may find this more of a clean offensive approach to the most minuscule damage that could be done, but given by the friendship I have with him is like "The man and his best friend, dog" takes this approach to a just a friendly level of social thinking and to me, it just shows you have the average 'sense of humor'

Starting in the morning sitting in a classroom with people skipping school and some were busy with the Film and Photography mock exam, the classroom was in another level of 'Peace'. I left Engineering with comfort in body and mind after the result of a C grade in my mock exam, which enlightened me and continued my inspiration of living on to my life. Not the best result, but the ideal grade in Engineering for me to attend University. I couldn't also leave without comfort by the fact that the practical work progress that I had went on pretty smoothly. Trust me, practical work in Engineering is like being carpenter who works for the most advanced company, so advanced they give you the materials and tools whenever you need them. Its fun drilling holes onto metal pieces and creating shiny surfaces of bars, as if God gave humans the subject on "How to be like me 101" with more focus onto building tools to build to the fullest of the sap of your life into a creation of your own.

Biology went on and the same thing happened. The Biology Teacher gave us activities to do and we did it. Just like your average subject. Thank God for the seating plans of Boy-Girl formation of the class, as it got me sat next to the Italians of Asia and the one girl who is pretty much likable by everyone. Sitting to one of your best mates to your left and a mysterious girl to your right(that holds pretty interesting personalities, wondering if I can uncover more of those. But hey, in the end of the day she is a girl) is a comfortable position to be in to get along with classwork and social activities. By any means, I love Italians. But Filipinos in my eyes and experience, they are the ghettos and we Malaysians are the pedestrians. There is way too many to talk about the group that I usually spend all of my days with, as there is too many complications and different sides of relationships between each and every person in the group. The group is called 'Arco' which was suppose to mean a group of violins in a language that I can't seem to respond in my head to what language it was, and that in my thoughts it meant 'Having the different sounds played by different personalities and different quality referred by different characteristics.' The group involves the wolves to my left and it means business when interacting with them. Its like exploring a book with all genres and themes made by one main topic, 'Friendship'.

After 1st break came Literature, and I have never been so interested in my life as to analyzing another man's wrong doings to having different opinions towards different races. Literature is probably the only subject that I have ever dug on so deep, a sinkhole couldn't be made any smaller than how much I am investing all my ideas into. Oh, don't forget about the Ukrainian, because he makes lessons go either with fascinating theoretical points being made or just a broken bridge of lost thoughts. The joke in the previous sentence lies in the play 'The view from the Bridge', so you'd get it sooner or later if you haven't yet.

After Literature ended was Maths, and the lesson couldn't end nor start without the celebration of N's birthday, with of course went by normally. The usual singing and humming and making references to jokes made the lesson more occupied for socializing, with the teacher of course taking care of the tone and level of the classroom.

Maths ended(so did school) and so I remembered in my head that there was a basketball match in the Old Sports Hall involving none other than Al. Before entering the Old Sports Hall had I met A2 and his girlfriend J, followed by Al's girlfriend and Hitler's best man, Na and his girlfriend Ky. I remembered that I've seen J's submission to the auditions for today's auditions which led me to asking if it went well for her. She responded with suggestion of an 'Ok' expression that didn't quite get me to think that she was confident about it. But hey, who am I to judge? I left at halftime of the basketball match as I had arranged a dance practice with Arcrew at the brothers' house to finish up all the bits and pieces that we need to work on(which we did not at all) to further improve our chances in passing through auditions. I'm confident about getting in, as we did it before but not as confident in terms of skill wise towards our opponents. They are not opponents directly, but more like a challenge that has come to face us, and I am more than happy to accept this challenge and stand to be the one who had grabbed the most attention in the Talent Show(which did not happen yet, but it surely will.)

Dance practice ended, and we all went home. I reached home, and didn't practically do much other than thinking about how am I gonna make Day 2 as interesting as possible on my library of WattPad.

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