Dreams And Nightmares

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    "Sophie, we're over here"

         No matter how hard she tries to block them out, the voices  always seem to reach her again. "Come here, girl, we were waiting for you," the voices called once more. She was tired of it all, so she screamed. She screamed from deep within herself, that forces its way from her mouth, as if her frustrated soul has unleashed a demon. She didn't care what would happen afterwards at the moment. All she cared about was screaming her heart out, hoping the voices would go away.

         "Jesus Christ, Soph!" exclaimed a young man. "You good? What have you and that bitch on crack been up to? Satanic rituals?" Sophie finally woke up, and was sitting up right on her bed now. "Oh, spare me your bullshit, Shawn" complained Sophia as she tiredly rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms. Shawn was a tall 19-year-old boy with curly dark brown hair, a goofy looking smile and almond hazel brown eyes.                                                                                                              "Aight, I'm gonna leave, but I bet you fifty bucks that mom is gonna yell in 3, 2, 1-" "Sophie! Get up! You're gonna be late!" yelled her mom downstairs, from the kitchen.

         "Told you so. See ya at school, baby dipshit! I want my money there!" Shawn then left, leaving Sophie alone in her cold, dark room, decorated with posters of wolves. Sophie cursed quietly under her breath and then, went up to change. Sophie was a 18-year-old, she had shoulder length wavy brown hair with ash blonde highlights, light brown skin and upturned eyes, the colour of the Scottish thistle. She decided what she would wear for the day before pulling on a plain black crop-top, an Alan Walker hoodie, some skinny jeans, and her signature black Timberland boots. She grabbed her leather backpack and her phone, and ran out the door with her polished black oak skateboard.

         She felt the strength of the wind, blowing against her face and luxurious wavy hair. She loved it as she sped across the alleyway, on her skateboard. Sophie may seem like a city girl, but sometimes she just needs a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Everytime she's skating, she feels as if she's floating in the air. Then, tears surrounded her face, as thoughts and memories about her father flooded her dark, and empty mind. As she was about to stop and catch her breath, she heard someone call her name.

         "COLLINS!" called the voice from afar. Sophie immediately realized who it was. "Taylor, is that you?" She abruptly let her skateboard slow down to a stop. "Took you long enough to see me, Collins" teasingly said the boy. Taylor Woods was a fit 19-year-old with fine black hair and deep brown eyes. He was one of Sophie's best friends, and he may or may not have a crush on her.She immediately pulled him into a embrace, while tears still streamed down her face. "Again, Soph?" asked the boy gently, while he patted Sophie's head. 

         She nodded, then rested her tear-filled face on his shoulder, causing Taylor to blush a little. He stroked her hair with his fingers, and tightened his arms around her body. "Hey, shh. It's ok, we all have nightmares sometimes. You're one of the strongest person I know, you'll get through it." Sophie let go of Taylor and managed to calm down. She's a very aggressive person, and the only one who can calm her down is Taylor. "Yeah, you're right. Well, we better head to school, before Mr. Sanders yell at us," reminded Sophie. Taylor chuckled, got up on Sophie's skateboard behind her, and they both rode to school.

         "Where the fuck have you two been!?", consented Bailey as Sophie and Taylor arrived. "Trust me, BB, it's a long story", explained Sophie. "Y'all can keep your lovey-dovey bullshit to yourself", angrily scolded Bailey. "Hey, Soph! Where's my 50 bucks?", yelled Shawn from over the school gates. He walked over to them, and ruffled Sophie's hair. "Fuck off, Shawn," said Sophie as she shoved Shawn away. "Jeez, clingy much, eh?", Bailey whispered into Sophie's ear. They shared a giggle together, and Bailey dragged Sophie into one of the girl's bathrooms.Bailey was a slightly tall girl, with long straight honey blonde hair, almond icy blue eyes that pierce into your soul and pale skin.

         Her style is somewhat similar to Sophie's. She shares a love for hoodies, and always wears shorts, and her Adidas sneakers. She was the same age as Sophie, and was like Gretchen Wieners. She knew everything about everyone, and was never ashamed to use it to her advantage. She and Sophie were like, unofficial siblings. She knew each other since birth, and loved each other like sisters. In the bathroom, Bailey showed Sophie a photograph from her phone. "Guess what? Jessica, aka the slut of Parkway Northwest High School, is in compensated dating! With our fucking Physics professor! Not gonna lie, he is kinda hot," Bailey told Sophie as she read the messages between Jessica and their Physics professor.

         "Wait, BB. You never told me you knew how to hack?" asked Sophie. "It's something I picked up, a few days ago. It's easy if you get the hang of it." At this point, Bailey was flexing her hacking skills. Sophie was still in shock, and Bailey could see it. They knew each other since they were so young, they can read each other's faces like a book, and could tell what the other was thinking. 

          "If you're gonna ask me where I got her phone, it was last week, after school. I went to get my sketchbook from my locker, to put it in my bag. I had a lecture the next day, and I didn't wanna forget my sketchbook. When she was busy making out with the school jocks in their locker rooms, probably for quick cash, she left her phone on her desk. She was probably so eager to see them, that she forgot the most vulnerable possession for hers," explained Bailey.

          "Well, bell's gonna ring soon. I have a lecture, so you're the lucky one today. We better go." Sophie nodded and exited the bathroom a few minutes after Bailey. As she walked out, the first person she saw was Taylor. "Hey, where were you? I was starting to get concerned," Taylor told her. "Oh, it was nothin'. Just some girl talk, that's all," Sophie quickly explained. "Oh okay then. Well, we better head to class. I have Literature next, you?" "Same, now let's go!" Sophie replied and pulled Taylor by his arm, gesturing for him to go. 

      As they climbed the stairs to the auditorium, Taylor planned to hold Sophie's hand, but was too scared to, because he was scared she was gonna pull away. It was as if Sophie was able to read his mind, because she grabbed Taylor's hand a while later, tightened her grip around it, and wouldn't let go. A smile slowly crept on Taylor's face as they kept walking.




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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