Cнα⅊тɛʀ 7 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

“Are you kidnapping me?” I asked Elijah for what seemed like the thousandth time with a tone of incredulousness as he swerved past vehicles in a suicidal manner and accelerated to a dangerous speed. He didn't utter a single reply as he ignored my voice, just barely managing to avoid hitting the back of a Toyota Prius as he carried on. I narrowed my eyes at him, grasping the safety belt and the overhead clasp in apprehension for the worst. My heart rate was erratically beating, and I was sure that if he drove any minute longer, I would puke it out all over his car. ‘I don't think I can jump out of a speeding vehicle’, I convinced myself.

With due course Elijah slowed the car down and stopped before a shop: B&B Couture. On the outside the building appeared nonchalant, as if it was above every other business in its surroundings. It exquisitely paraded its stock of dresses in front of passers-by and its designer brands competed with one another to win their customers attention.

“Come with me” Elijah gestured as he undid his belt and left the vehicle crossing behind it to stand in front of the shop and wait for me. ‘What a gentleman’, I snorted sarcastically to myself before undoing my belt and joining Elijah beside him. I didn't understand why Elijah had brought us here, this was an expensive shop and as much as he could afford anything and everything it sold, I on the other hand, could not. Unfortunately, I didn't know the surrounding area very well so I couldn't make a run for it and leave Elijah in the dust.

Instead, I followed him inside, gasping as I entered with pleasurable surprise studying the beautiful dresses and the layout of the large room. Though the building was hidden in plain sight, it was a gem once you crossed its threshold, as if a realm had opened up and transported you to a fairy tale story, the inside of the building was enlightened by a large chandelier and sofa's decorated the space as fitting rooms crossed the back and were catered to dresses of all types, whether that be designer brands, prom dresses, evening dresses, and even cocktail dresses. It was Cinderella's dream. Women were already walking through the shop, holding armfuls of dresses or bags full of clothing. Each eyeing me with mild disinterest as they rolled on through to wherever their hearts desired. I immediately felt inferior in their presence, made all the worse by Elijah.

Speaking of the Devil, he had gone in search of a particular man, speaking to the stranger in hushed tones before he pointed at me, and the man nodded in understanding. ‘What is he doing? I questioned, confused at Elijah's behaviour. A different man approached me as Elijah continued to converse with the other one and I shifted uncomfortably as the attention was now solely focused on me. I could tell the second man worked in the shop by the way he walked with an air of finesse and his clothing triumphed mine by branding styles. He was superior in every sense of the word. I curiously peeked at his name badge, noting the name 'Zion' written in cursive.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now