Violet Eyes #1

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Eli was just your typical teenage jokester. He pulled harmless pranks on people he liked; and he pulled extreme pranks on people he DIDN'T like. 

But, in his case, the people who received harmless pranks were his vampire coven, and people he did the extreme pranks on were mostly werewolves; the vampire's main enemy. 

As you can tell now, Eli IS a vampire. 

But the vampires nowadays had evolved. 

They were stronger than ever before. They were faster than ever before. And the vamps of today had gained the ability to levitate three stories into the sky and fly around a bit, before falling back to the ground. Yet Eli spent most of his time outside perfecting his levitating. He would need that to make a getaway from the victimized werewolves o his next prank. 

Many of times Eli was caught by the werewolves. 

He would insult a few, complain about the chains he was dangling from upside down were to tight, and then break free from the chains with his vampire strength. The werewolves ALWAYS forget about the strength. They're too busy chasing after him, while usually covered with shaving cream, or tar and feathers. 

Pulling all the pranks usually got him in trouble with his coven/parents. Not because he pulled the prank, but because he would get caught and almost killed. 

Eli didn't care. 

The first time Eli ever crossed with the werewolves was when he was a newborn vampire. He had done something stupid like put some bear traps near the cave where the werewolves met, sit behind a bush and watch the werewolves (in wolf form) run right into the bear traps. 

There was only one problem. He was quickly sniffed out by the only wolf not in wolf form. She was his age, had long wavy blonde hair, and the temper of a bull. 

They had chained him down in there cave. All of the wolves (in human form) were growling and glaring at him. Yet they didn't do anything. In rage, Eli threw some insults, and even spit on some wolves. Even though vampire spit should've felt like dry ice rubbing on their skin, they didn't do anything to Eli. 

At that point, the pack leader walked in. 

Eli couldn't hold the laughter in. He looked exactly like the werewolf from those movies that was released and all the girls loved, but he couldn't remember the name of the movie. 

"Are you-" Eli chuckled, "Is your name Sam?"

The pack leader glared at him. 

"No, no, wait", Eli took a big breath and stopped laughing. 

"Is it... Jacob?" Eli couldn't contain himself. He burst out laughing.  

Eli learned about his speed that day. Turns out, his name actually WAS Jacob. 

After, he was let down from the chains and the werewolves closed in on him. 

But, as it was his first night as a vampire, he didn't know that he could run FASTER than a werewolf. He only thought he was a LITTLE faster. 

The werewolves were on top of him in two seconds flat. 

As they lifted him off the ground, they noticed the still fresh puncture wounds in his neck. 

"He's just a newborn. Don't kill him." The girl who sniffed him out said. 

Wow, Eli was starting to like her. 

"But, if he EVER crosses us again, I'll kill him myself." She finished. 

Never mind, Eli thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2012 ⏰

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