The new creature of Skyrim

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One simple little village. Filled with the plainest of people crammed in a stockpile of normal duties to fulfil throughout the place. Blacksmith Alvor makes his ends meet with little pay coming in, and Delphine acts the part of a normal innkeeper who looks happy to house travelers after a long night.

A village so small that everybody knows each other and all of their generations. Though they mean nothing to bakugou, a lingering traveler that has explored above and beyond the land of Tamriel. Nobody dare ask him who he is or where he came from.

Some think he's from here in the land of skyrim, or maybe cyrodiil, that may explain his snobby attitude after everything that has happened with the Imperials. He's unfazed by the judgement he walks down the road of riverwood, he smirks at their glaring eyes and snarling nostrils. The children just ahead play silly games with their dog, not paying attention to the silence that falls upon the entire village.

His heavy boots and fluffy armor is the only thing that is heard after the children hult their precious game. These people are all the same, taking one look at a stranger and spitting on their boots, some of them at least. The daughters of these families swoon at him, fancying his muscles and hair. The attitude makes them fall in love with him even more so.

However they're always the same being excited over how lucky travelers are to see the vast open world when they're stuck in tiny homes with farm life and parents to deal with. That's something he'd never understand. He knows these people can feel his aura in the air or the slight change of wind he can manipulate with just his finger tip. Sure the rules imply to not start a ruckus, but that doesn't mean he can't have some fun.

If he wanted to he could wipe this entire village off the map, the continent, the entire ocean to smithereens. Humans are dysfunctional though, they make a fuss over simple things like beliefs or war. Such argonauts fall upon these imperfect creatures, just like the ones he knows of back home.

Like water to a river the people go back to their regular everyday boring tasks after getting one good look at him again. He knows what they're thinking he's not stupid. They're aura is foul and disgusting, it makes their thoughts louder in his ears. Then he leaves them with an unspoken curiosity, that wavers after seeing the very large scar on his back.

"Momma what's that on that man's back?" The little girl from earlier calls to her ma from across the street. Her arms outstretched for some kind of an answer she trusts her adult with.

" Don't worry about that now, just run along and go play." The woman says with golden blond hair eyeing bakugou and his ass cheeks, even though she already has a husband named hod.

Of course her aura isn't hard to read, she's just like all of the other women in that sad little village of theirs. Wanting good food to provide for their families, never having time for a good fuck or two because of their stuborn husbands even though they are the same way. So when the timing is right and an actual good looking man comes walking through their village, they won't hesitate to make the wrong move and ruin their marriages in one night.

Bakugou knows this because he's seen it happen many times in his travels across this sad and tiny continent that they call 'tamriel'.He himself has never done anything of the sorts, though other humans would fight him over that kind of a 'lie'. They don't even bat an eye about what kind of a creature he really is. They only question after he has left his mark on a certain spot of land by using his aura, or seeing the enormous scars in the shape of what looks to be eagle wings.

It's not like they would know the difference between eagle wings and fairy wings anyways. Nobody has ever seen a real fairy in the flesh, it's just something of a myth collected by fake scholars and weak necromancers who long for power. At least in this world they have never seen one, but where bakugou comes from it's filled with things these people could only dream of.

Bakugou, a real life fairy that has traveled far from another world to seek out one thing. A good fight, a one on one match to feel what it's like to be defeated. Where he comes from, everyone sees him to be the best at everything he does no matter what it is. The few exceptions to that are his anger, social skills, and love life. He has been uninterested in the whole love thing when he first came here five hundred years ago.

He has never been in love and doesn't plan on doing anything along those lines. Fairies aren't like humans and don't have to socialize to become infatuated with another. It's their scent, their aura when one is being recognized by another fairy. This is how love is, or what humans call having a crush. Not all the time does it rely solely on those things, it depends on the situation with moments in tending to the fairy forest or just doing everyday things.

A lot of fairies believe in destiny because of what they are meant to do. Dreams and ideas is what fairies specialize in to contribute their time to the natural order of things. They come from a cluster of dream dust that grows within the forest of their world which can come from anything and any creature. The biggest mystery is how the dream dust even gets there in the first place, and since fairies are technically gods, they would know if one of them has a clear answer.

Bakugou's journey has been a tough one at that, he's better than all other fairies that he knows. An untouchable force he is, which has him at this dilemma. His destiny is unclear to him now that he is the best, there is nothing left of his immortal self to do. so he seeks out a challenge, a fight of some kind to rid him of this depressing gut feeling.

He is not completely sad though, he does get excited seeing women swoon over his handsome features or when he starts a fight with something that puts in effort and courage. Up to this point the most interesting thing he's done is mark his territory across the land, to seek out a challenger if any creature gets the hint. It has happened when some dragons come along to fight him after they have caught scent of his strange aura. Their language confuses him when they try to talk in dragon tongue to him. He can always make out what they say to him, sense fairies are the core of all language, but the barrier lies with their aura. Their connection feels distant in time and not in the here and now. Fairies can see dreams, thoughts, and of course nightmares or even life events within dreams, but they can't see time itself.

That's why he started marking his territory in the first place because of these dragons, they seem to be the only thing that can put up a good fight. They're immortal just like himself, and powerful that use this thing called a shout, something very different than anything he's ever seen. Fairies have pixe, a power that lives within one's own aura, it comes whatever that aura is manifests itself as a power and what triggers this power is the dream dust fairies are born from.

Dragons use shouts which seem like it comes from their soul instead of their aura or atmosphere. Bakugou will never understand it though, something that is far beyond his reach. The only thing that matters is they are a good fight and the one thing he has never been able to defeat. He wouldn't win any of the fights with the dragons because of how equally matched they are, instead he used his wing power to escape from the fight.

It's the first time he has ever had to use his wings in a fight, but nonetheless it's fun and something for him to look forward to. He wants to see what will come of them and how long it will take for this world to be destroyed by them so he can have a proper go at them. Marking his territory is his just his way of toying with them and he knows they can sense that. It leaves a mean smirk on his face.

So he ventures on throughout this land not worried about the wars of it or political things, whatever that means. His focus is a good fight and these dragons are giving it all to him. It makes his blood pump and his scar tingle with excitement as he crosses the bridge just outside of riverwood leaving behind the sad excuse of a village.  

The new creature of SkyrimWhere stories live. Discover now