Cнα⅊тɛʀ 8 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

There she was, sitting cross-legged on the rug in front of the sofa, drinking a hot chocolate as she leaned in to take a sip before turning to look at me. My mom was sitting on the opposite sofa, a delicate touch of sincerity adorning her face as she picked herself up and left the room, giving me and my best friend some privacy to reconnect. The angel to that voice slowly stood up, placing her cup on the table before she smiled at me and spread her arms out in a knowing gesture. Now this was my guardian protector who would keep all evil out of my life and sass every male into his rightful place. She was the one who would stand up for me and listen to everything I'd whine about; she was the living embodiment of a sister from another mister.

Tears started curling in my eyes as I dropped all of my belongings and headed straight into Jane's arms, her hug engulfing me as she held on tightly and I scrunched my fist into her shirt. The tears finally cascaded down my cheeks as I pulled back before a chuckle escaped my lips.

"I missed you, you know", I stated, wiping the tears away as she laughed and went back to her drink.

"Didn't think you'd miss me that much to be honest", she replied cheekily. We both sat down on the sofa this time, facing one another as I admired how much she had changed.

It had been three years since we had last seen each other and as much as Jane didn't want to admit it, we both knew she missed me just as much as I missed her. Her appearance hadn't really changed either, her reddish hair was still as vibrant as before, only longer as it still curled effortlessly down her back. Her hazel eyes were still lit with a passion from her last endeavours at the excursion and her skin had tanned to an olive colour, only highlighting her natural beauty. When I looked at her clothes, I noticed black track pants matched to a black sports bra, revealing her toned arms and curvaceous hips. Within those three years she had ditched her glasses, finally relying on contact lenses. We had both grown up so much within these years that I was proud of her, more than anyone else in the world.

"I'm so glad you're back, you have no idea what I've had to go through all on my own", I stated in a pout, watching her face turn into curiosity as she placed the cup back down.

"Spill the tea. Now."

"Wait... Hang on, you first. Tell me everything about your excursion to Rome."


Mom walked back into the living room, a slight uncomfortable look on her face as she shuffled in one place, interrupting our conversation. The lingering scent of lasagne flooding through the entryway of the kitchen before she spoke up.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry to break you two apart but you need to pick Nina up from school."

I subconsciously drooled at the food I imagined stuffing into my mouth greedily before my brain kicked in and I whizzed to the clock on the wall, noticing the time and cursing under my breath as I headed out of the living room.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now