The Shomaker's plain. It's just as I remembered it being. Two big two-story buildings. Grass around with trees around the building. The whole place is overgrown with branches and weeds, there's nothing alive about this old school. It has no color, it has no soul what so ever. It just looks dead. Just like all the trees and bushes around the building.
The windows look uncleaned and disgusting like they haven't been cleaned for a thousand years. The grass looks old and dead, it's got an orange kind of disgusting color. It looks like a swamp too, some rivers here and there. The air is moist, it feels like it has just rained for almost two days straight and it's very hard to breathe. The building's shape is almost like an E if you look at it from about with just a flat roof. Nothing interesting there. Some few hatches into what they would call a celling-basement. But it's probably overrun by water by now and robbed.
I walk along the path. Looking at my surroundings. "Everything is so dead here. It feels sketchy"
I come up to the door. The windows look just like the others, disgusting and uncleaned. The door is overrun by branches just like the rest of the building. I flick the handle a bit to the side. The door opens and is slightly ajar. "It's open? I thought this place was closed years ago?" The door opens, making a loud metal creak sound. The door slams slowly into the sidewall, the entire building echoes of its sound.
"Closed in 1976 for odor, potential murder site, dead children found and major problems. It seems to me that this place is very... very dead. No pun intended of course"
The building now is super old. It was never really a good school for starters. All the teachers sucked and no one really learned anything other than doing manual labor. That's what this place was known for, it's child labor.
I check the sheet paper once again.
"Green Estate newsletter
This building has been closed for years, and it's mystories still live within the building. It's known for its awful nature, letting children do manual labor such as. Work on the teacher's cars, cleaning the entire building, etc. No payment was given to the young tweens. And no credit what so ever was given either.
The building was closed down in 1976. Apparently policed were called that there had been a murder of three tweens. Whos names we won't apply here, for safety reasons and for the tweens parent's sake. The youngsters were between the ages of 15 and 17.
Police arrived at the school, searching it to find the three tweens laying in a trash can on the roof. Two of them throats were slit and the third one was beaten to death. More killings are occurring as the years went, school closing and opening till its final days over being closed in 1976.
Interviews with the teachers show how the showed sympathy for the tween's parents and that they felt awful about the situation and that they would take the step to find who did this and to close the school for the sake of saving the children."
~Holy shit, that's horrible! almost fifteen killings in one month and that just continues on for more years? People are fucked in the head~ I think for myself
Walking more into the building I take a right turn and walk down the hallway. Going past the sroom after classroom after classroom. Locker after lockers. Some open, some closed and locked.
I walk further down the hallway to the end, the door there is open.
"Classroom 140 B wing"
~Ah, I must be in B wing then. That's good to know~
I turn the handle and open the door. Showing a full classroom with desks, whiteboards, forgotten schoolbooks, leftover notes about science and mold everywhere. It looks so dead, it kinda saddens me how such a beautiful place could be so cruel and dark.
I take a photo of the room, and slowly walk out and continuing down the hallway. Reaching back to the middle of the building, walking up the stairs. When I get up the stairs a sign reads.
"Wing B Second floor ->
Wing A Second floor <-"
~Oh okay, I'm gonna go to Wing B I think first~
I walk down the dark hallway, light from one of the stained windows lightly illuminate the dark hallway. Continuing I hear a loud thud behind me. I glance over my shoulder to reveal... nothing, just the same dark corridor I walked down.
Another thud can be heard down the hallway. What can that be? It's getting louder as well.
Atlas the last thud strikes a metal pipe, after that. Nothing else. Pure quietness.
Somethings very... very wrong with this school.
Shomakers plain
HorrorThis story will tell about an insane asylum but in this story, there's more to tell than just a few experimented people and death during these times. There's more to the story.