The Different Lives of Countries (A completed Hetalia fanfic)

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Italy Romano

"I love you," Veneziano says as he wrests the gun from my hand and shoots himself.

I feel myself scream, "NO! Brother, no." I tried to staunch the blood flow but it didn't work. I saw the light leave Veneziano's eyes as I stare down at him, hopeless. My body is wracked with sobs as I clutch my brother's body to my chest. Belgium hears the commotion and comes running.

"What's going...oh no."

Belgium tries desperately to pull me away.

"No! Get away from me, you, you,.." I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence because Belgium was only trying to help.

"Romano, please, come on." I allowed myself to be pulled away and led down seemingly endless corridors and sat down at a table. Belgium poured me a glass.

"Drink." I stared doubtfully at the cup, a liquid swirling slightly.

'What is it?" My voice devoid of emotion.

"Drink," she ordered again.

"You haven't answered my question." Belgium sat down with a sigh.

"Romano, please. Try not to be rude for a second." I looked at her, seeing sorrow and guilt written all over her face. I took a sip, then burst out crying.

"Oh, sweetie, come on. Let's go get you cleaned up." I again allowed myself to be led away to my room. Belgium got a wet washcloth and wiped my tear stained cheeks.

"Veneziano..." I trailed off. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Romano, there's nothing you can do about it. He's gone." I started crying again and Belgium put her arms around me, pulling me close.

"I'm so sorry, but just imagine what he would think, not having you anymore."

"But why? He was so weak and a crybaby, but he was my brother. We were weak and crybabies together." I wailed as I pressed my face into her shoulder.

"I know, I know, sweetie." Belgium holds me close for a second longer, then releases me. "Now, clean yourself up. I don't want you to be dirty when you go to sleep." She kissed me on top of my head then left.

I looked down at my clothes and realized they were stained with blood. His blood. Hot tears welled in my eyes. How will I ever go on? Veneziano was my family.

I dressed solemnly then headed to bed without food because I didn't even want to see another face for the rest of the day.


As Belgium sat beside me, looking exhausted, I could only figure how bad Romano must be.

"How is he?" I knew Belgium could tell who I meant. She gave a sarcastic laugh.

"I don't know what's going to happen. Romano isn't going to want to go on in life without his brother."

I rubbed my temples. "Should we make him associate with other people? I mean, he probably won't want to make amigos at a time like this but we need to make sure he doesn't stay shut up." Belgium put her head on my shoulder.

"This is going to be a long and hard time. We're going to have to plan the funeral, and that will definitely take a toll on him." I frowned slightly.

"Romano is probably going to be sadder and ruder than ever before." Belgium kissed my cheek lightly.

"Let's hope for the best because we are the only people left who actually care for Romano Italy."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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