"The Late Girl." <Part 1>

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Morning came, and Mike was eating breakfast with the whole family, and started talking to Nancy, his older sister.

M: So, you've been studying all night?
N: Yup, so fun.
M: Since when did studying became fun? You've been studying about King STEVE right?

Mike started teasing Nancy about her secret boyfriend, Steve. Mike's teasing did annoyed Nancy so much, so she headed out for school without saying a word.

It was a huge victory for the Paladin, Mike. He started riding on his bike and went to Hawkins Middle School.

Lucas, Will, and Dustin waited for Mike, then they headed to their first period, Science.

Mike's POV:

Me and my friends headed inside our classroom. The bell rang and we sat in our seats at the front.
We we're listening and minding our own businesses until an unknown girl entered on our door.

Someone: I'm sorry if I'm late Mr. Scott.
Mr. Scott: Oh welcome Ms. Jane, since you're late, why don't you sit down next to our good student, Mike?
Jane: Sure. Thanks for welcoming me.

She sat beside me, and still keeps eating her lollipop.
I decided to lend her a tissue to keep the candy she's eating. So I did just that.

M: Here. Take this.
J: What's this for?
M: Um... Your lollipop. No foods are allowed in Mr. Scott's class.
J: Oh thanks.

She smiled at me and I started a small conversation.

M: Um... My name's Mike, short for Michael. What's your name?
J: Hi Mike. My name's Jane. But you can call me Eleven.
M: Oh. Hi Eleven. Wait... Why are you called Eleven?
E: I-

Our conversation got suddenly disturbed by Mr. Scott.


We both apologized to Mr. Scott, and listened to him.

Fast Forward...

The school bell rang, and we are left with lots of assignments, and my bag weighs like a hundred pounds, because of the books and notebooks. I was just walking out of the door with my friends, when suddenly I saw Eleven, carrying a bunch of books and suddenly fell.

M: Meet you guys later at Dustin's house.
L: Where are you going?
M: I'm gonna help Jane.

My friends left while I helped Eleven get all her things.

M: Are you okay?
E: Yep, I'm fine... *groans*
M: What's wrong?
E: My leg, I think I got a bruise.
M: *sees the bruise* Oh you did, don't worry. I'll bring you to my house.
E: Thanks. A lot.
M: Oh, no problem.

She smiled with her cute dimples, and I helped her walk with her arms around me, with her books on my backpack, and we headed to my house with my bike.

At Mike's house... (NO ONES POV)

Mike and Eleven arrived at Mike's house, and Mike's mother, Karen, saw Mike and Eleven heading upstairs.

K: Hi Mike, who is she?
M: Oh mom this is Ele-
E: *whispers* Jane.
M: Jane. Her name is Jane.
K: Oh, hi Jane. I'm Mike's mother. Are you going upstairs son?
M: Um... Yeah we should be probably be going.
K: Oh sure, have fun.

They headed upstairs, and Eleven sat down at the floor, feeling sore. Mike got some supplies, and took care of Eleven.

M: Does it hurt?
E: Um... Not bad. *smiles* Thanks for taking care of me.
M: No problem. By the way, do you wanna go to Dustin's house? We're having a group study today.
E: Yeah sure. My dad is not home yet, so I'll go with you guys.

After putting the bandage, Mike and Eleven headed to Dustin's house to study and do assignments.

(I'm sorry if this is a bit short... Don't worry, it is fun to read! :) )

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