An Introduction

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Hi Everyone!

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Hi Everyone!

It has been a long time.

I, Kei, Toni, and Luna decided to challenge ourselves to create short stories that will re-introduce our Sun and Moon, Wang He Di and Shen Yue in universes where people find love in summer.

For some of you, we might be a tad early as Spring has just arrived but from where we are from, summer is forever and people fall in love all the time.

This is both a practice for all of us (as we've become quite rusty in our writing) and an ode to THAT summer series that changed all of our lives forever.

As Daoming Si and Dong Shancai find love in summer... we will the universe for Wang He Di and Shen Yue to fall in love under the hot summer sky as well in every stage of their lives... in any stage of their lives.

We hope you will be kind to all of us as it has truly been a while and we hope you enjoy these stories as you sip on that tall cold lemonade or snack on that sweet and delectable ice cream.

Friends and family... we welcome you to Meteor Heaven's special series - "Our Summer"

This is a collection of four stories in four stages where one can fond and pursue THAT or WHO they love.

Luna writes about summer love in #DIYUE's teens.

Kei writes one for their 20s.

Toni writes for their 30s.

And I write for their 40s.

These are different stories, different summers, different universes... all for one sun and one moon.

We hope you enjoy them!

- Mai

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