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   🌼🏵🌼⚠ WARNING⚠🌼🏵🌼
Some profanities
Read at your own risk...

Down in an eerie street, a little bit further right at the corner you would notice and average teenager holding her breath,
Clutching her side feeling warmth as her body slowly  turning colder.

Looking from side to side to stand watch for her predator and there right a little further where she was, coming towards her in a very calmed eerie pace, each step syncing of her own heartbeat as if to tell her, he's here,

here, here HERE! RUN!.

As if she heard her voice she ran, and ran,  and then ran, turning to the left where there are no more escape, she heard the footsteps just right behind her, wondering to herself  of how he got here so fast.

Slowly she turned around to see a man,
No, her ex, her everything, her beloved, no the one she loved before. It pains her heart to see him right in front of her, not as her beloved, NO, as her killer.

Why! She said 'why' the man didn't answer her plea, her distress, her confusion, but the look in his eyes tells her everything, cold and indifferent, eyes that tells her 'i don't love you nor i know you'.

She didn't mind the pain her body screaming that she's hurt, her injuries, Bruises, and scratches. What she felt, one that hurts the most is her aching heart, heart that beats for him, heart that 'he' thrown away, her heart that still believes.

But her mind says otherwise, he is no longer the one she loved, the one with her when she's  down, the one with her to laugh around and the one that loved her, she knew 'he'd wasn't himself, she knew 'he' changed
She knew that 'he' didn't love her anymore.

SHE KNEW, but why can't she see that, why until the very end did she still believe in him,  why until her very end does she still love him, even if she knew her mind denies the fact, her heart spoke the truth.

Why.... A simple question, a question not for 'him' to answer but for herself, because she already knew the truth.

With her last strength, her last breath l,  she looked at his eyes, eyes so clear and calm, even when her body is already dying, too much blood  has already been lost.

Its clear that she didn't want to die of blood loss, her eyes held one clear message, 'end me', and then she closed her eyes.

As if he heard her or even knew what she asked for, he points the gun directly at her heart and..


slowly her body slides down to the ground,
She didn't she his eyes that flicker for a second, a mask that slowly crumbles as he shoot her down, and she didn't hear his cries, his sobs, his distress in loosing her.

He slowly  walked towards her body, picked her up in his arms and cradles her, not minding another man behind him, he just cried, and cried  for a long time, to hear the man's word brought him pain and anguish.

"Are you done crying, my dear brother? Surely you would've prepared yourself  about this."

The man leaning on the side, his back behind the wall, eyes cold as if it could freeze you, indifferently talked as if it's just another 'normal' conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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