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A distinct sound that introduced their identity or presence but in a contrary let us try to examine first before we conclude and mislead. Nocturnal mammal like bats can create the same sound mostly heard in the rural areas where trees and plants are abundant so fruits and  insects  as well but  opposite in the city.

The louder the sound  the farther they were and the softly you heard the closer they got and that's an old belief we heard from the elders. Tiktik refers to a particular and common type of Aswang who mimic the sound of a bat using as their communication. They producing the sound while they approaching their prey, calling and revealing their present.

If you were haunted by the Aswang irregularly you'll heard their call and it seems someone are watching and stalking at you or in the middle of night you woke up with annoying and creepy sound (tiktik) that surround at you.

One creepy tale happened way back 6 years ago in our Barangay, a particular resident frequently heard the Tiktik from their neighborhood. It was mid-day a strange noise disturb him coming from outside and he can't helped not to investigate so cautiously he peek at the window, frightened and speechless to witnessed an old man (not to mentioned his name) devouring a live chicken...On the next day rumors spread all over the community. Who cares if you heard it too!

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