chapter 1 - the curse

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in a kingdom far away in a world full of magic, and wonder there was a fair and noble King with his beautiful wife the Queen. They were loved by all and had a child, the prince. They held a grand party to celebrate the  birth of the future prince. They named the baby boy Taehyung. 

" ahh what a lovely turn out, right my Queen?"  said the king smiling with glee

"yes it is , although it seems almost everyone in the kingdom has come to see our beautiful Taehyung." said the Queen looking out from her throne. 

Then an older man came up the the King and Queen with a box with gold decorations on the outside. " my name is King Hoseok and I have come to bring a gift for the child for you see i have a son as well and hope that they will become good friends to bring our country's closer than before." he said with a wide smile on his face. He set the box down by the crib where the baby was with all the other gifts that guest have brought King Hoseok looked into the crib and was taken back at how pretty a BABY could be  HOW!!! can a BABY be pretty he screamed internally. He collected himself and went back to the party to go and talk with his husband Yoongi 

" sooo... how did it go , with the king i mean." said Yoongi reaching for Hoseoks hand beacause his were cold. 

" oh it was fine but my god that baby is gorgeous." he said then looked to see a pouting yoongi " so that baby is prettier than me." he said than smirked and gave his husband a kiss on the cheek, which caused Hoseok to blush like crazy.

The king stood up and the room went quiet, " Today we gather to celebrate the birth of my son and future King Taehyung!" everyone started to clap " We have some special guests who have said they would like to meet the child I would like to introduce the 3 fairy's of the wood." The crowd parted to let the 3 young men pass through. One was in an all red suit with silver hair, then the other with a blue suit and a flower crown made of blue and white flowers and blonde hair, then the third with a green suit and gold earrings and had dark brown hair. They all bowed before that King and the Queen. Then the one in red spoke

" hello we are the Fairy's of the wood i'm Namjoon the red fairy and these are the blue and green Fairy's " Hi i'm Jimin " said the blue one " I'm Jin its an honor" said the green one. " We would like to bestow  3 gifts to the prince each special to help him become a fine King one day."  said Namjoon. 

He stood up and walked to the crib " I gift you the ability to have the most beautiful voice, one that can melt a heart but sooth anyone or anything." There was a cloud of red dust and rose petals fell on the child, which caused baby Taehyung to giggle earning an " awwww" from everyone in the room. 

Then the Green Fairy stepped up and gazed into the crib holding out his hand which Taehyung grabbed with his tiny hand making Jin coo and to smile, looking at the baby with soft eyes " I grant you the gift of kindness, may you always be surrounded by love and warmth of the people and animals around you, may you never cry or feel alone." a  shower of glittering green gold was dusted on the baby Jin slowly backed away to let Jimin give his gift. 

When Jimin went up there he looked to the baby and and almost looked grossed out and looked to Jin and Namjoon and mouthed " do i have to " they both looked at him and nodded at the same time. " I grant you......."  WWOOOOSSHHH the front doors slammed open and a strong gust of wind almost blowing Jimin away filled the room, luckily there was a guard to catch Jimin holding him bridal style,  a hooded figure walked slowly into the room which was quiet as a mouse.  

The figure lifted her hood reveling horns and hair as black as midnight. " I have come to grant a gift upon the child as well. Sorry for my tardiness but it seems that i did not receive an invitation  to this most wonderful event." 

" we don't want your gift witch! leave at once " Namjoon yelled to the once hooded figure. As that was happening Jin moved to stand in front of the baby. " oh i see how it is then well you cant stop me you may have banished me once but i've learned from my past mistakes." she said then her hand started to glow and a circle of hellish red flames started to form around her. " from this day forth your son" she pointed to the King " shall have a curse that no one not even I can break! On his 18th birthday he shall prick his finger on the needle of a spinning wheel. And fall and die!" dark clouds formed from the room Jin took the baby and held it to protect it, but the curse was already in place there  was nothing he could do. Then in a flash of smoke she was gone 

The room was quiet then the queen broke out into tears Jin handed her, her baby and she craddled him to her chest. Then Jimin came from the guards arms flashing a wink last minute causing him to blush a little. " may I place my gift upon the child your majesty?" the Queen nodded and handed him the baby , Jin went to the Queen giving her a tissue. " I Gift this baby the gift of sleep although im not able to undo the curse i can alter it,  instead of dying you shall fall into a sleep like death that only true loves kiss can undo, but until his true love come he shall sleep a peaceful sleep. A halo of blue formed around the child and then shimmered into the light of the room.

The King sent all the guest home and when to his study to converse what to do with the Fairy's 

" what to do what to do" the king was pacing around the room

" sir if i may we should get rid of all the the spinning wheels in the kingdom but i'm afraid that may not be enough as long as the child is around he will be targeted by that witch." Namjoon said. " are you suggesting we kill the child???" Jin said looking at Namjoon in shock " no no im just saying if that witch knows where the child is then she will do everything in her power to try and make the curse come true." Namjoon said defesivly. " take the child somewhere safe please look after him i trust you three to take him." the Queen pleaded finally speaking. " we could never do that to you he can be safe here right?" Jimin insited looking between Jin, Namjoon, and the King. " im afraid this is the only way we can keep him truly safe for the time being." said the King . 

That night the Fairy's took the child into the cottage in the woods that they lived in.

" please raise him to be a proper prince and keep him safe" the Queen said on the verge of tears, Jin went over to her and held both of her hands in his " i swear that i will do whatever i must to keep this child as safe as possible, I promise". Jimin brought Taehyung to the King to say good bye he looked down on the child and kissed his for head and stood back and he watched the 3 men take his child away into the wood never knowing when he would see him again. 

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