Dinner With The Queen

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The room [Name] chose for Vader was too bright and cheerful for him to stay in. He felt less serious there, more civilian than military like some idiotic commoner taking a vacation. But the space was large enough to accommodate the medical facilities he needed to keep him alive. Equipment his troops would install when he beckoned them.

Vader walked toward the window and stared out. He wished he saw whatever it was [Name] thought too beautiful to waste on him. From his perspective, the view was an all red terrain with coordinates being measured out before him. But he knew there was a lake. A lake that flooded him with memories of his time on Naboo with Padme and the blue vibrant waves that crashed against the rocks piled beneath her terrace on their wedding night. He could even smell the air and the seaweed in it.

A solemn knock on the door broke into his thoughts. He was grateful. He wouldn't have to fight the depression that slowly crept into his heart. A tug of the force, and the door opened a crack. [Full Name] peeked in, then slid a shoulder into the door.

She had changed from the formal diplomat robes young politicians wore into a yellow shoulderless dress. She wore her hair wrapped in strange looking braids that coiled about her head like ropes which from where he stood, made the pattern of a star-fighter. Her necklace was an elaborate beaded necklace with what appeared to be blue and yellow colors, he was close enough to make them out. Strangely enough though, she didn't wear shoes. He felt under dressed. Overdressed actually, in his black med-suit and helmet. It was hot in there.

"The queen is here. She will be joining us for dinner"

Dinner? Did they even bother to consider how and what he could eat? Vader bristled.

"Then you will take me to your dining area," he said, his voice as flatter than usual.

"I'm well aware of what I need to do, Your Lordship. That's why I'm here - to escort you."

Why wasn't she afraid of him? And why did he suddenly feel as though he needed her approval?

Vader walked across the room, but instead of walking out he pushed the door closed and stared down at [Name].

"If you continue this disrespectful attitude of yours... I assure you, you won't last long around me."

"If you find my attitude disrespectful, then I owe you an apology. But you see, Your Lordship, too many terrible things have happened since the advent of the Galactic Empire, and -"

"Are you a rebel?" he asked.

A wave of fear flushed through her. [Name] swallowed.

"No, but I don't agree with some of your policies. I believe there's always a diplomatic alternative to war and fighting."

[Name] turned and opened the door a crack. She felt the heat of his gaze upon her back and for some reason, half expected him to strike her down. Who spoke such things to Darth Vader himself and lived to tell about it? But Vader said nothing as he followed her into the corridor.

The pair descended the staircase and entered the dining area, where the queen sat with jewels weaved into her elaborate hairdo. She wore white face paint, a dash of red paint on her lips, and a large dark robe over her body.

[Name] directed Vader to the opposite end of the table, the head and sat next to him.

Seeing [Name] and the queen at the same table reminded him of Padme posing as a handmaiden and Sabe posing as the queen. But [Name] was a diplomat. However, because of her arrogance he reduced her to wait staff and she complied for the good of Naboo.

The queen smiled graciously at Vader.

"It is good to see you again," she said to the masked military commander.

"Yes. So it is," he answered in a calculated voice.

Wait staff rushed to the table to issue food to their plates. Then it dawned on [Name]. How does Vader eat? She looked at the queen, a question in her eye. How terribly rude of them. Did he remove his mask? Was he fed intravenously?

Vader sat with both arms spread forth, each hand on the opposite side of the plate and watched as the queen and galactic senators from Naboo, scarfed down their meals between polite conversation. [Name] didn't eat at all, she simply watched between shooting ideas back and forth with the others.

He watched as [Name] arched her head forward, bony pointed shoulders leaning over her untouched meal as she spoke with senators much older than she. [Name] looked to be in her early twenties.

"So, Lord Vader, tell us about this rebel here on Naboo..."

"The rebel is a Jedi and must be captured. He is hiding here. He will be destroyed when we find him."

{Name's} lips drew into a tight line. She looked at Vader... his body sat motionless, like a black lacquer statue.

"Your Lordship, don't you find the Jedi deserving of some judicial process? Perhaps he's been falsely accused..."

"Our policy is to destroy all terrorists."

"I find you, and your policies to be barbaric."

The queen gasped, fork clanking to her plate. She shot [Name] disdainful look, but the young politician remained undaunted.

"Then perhaps you might join the rebels and we might find ourselves not just on the opposite side of the table, but the opposite side of the battlefield. Then I might be forced to destroy you. Better yet, i  forego it all and dispose of you now."

Vader's fists banged the table.

"That won't be necessary, Lord Vader. I apologise, on behalf of Naboo and our young politician here... she's a bit headstrong. I will summon another diplomat to act as your liaison to the palace. I assure you this won't happen again."

Vader's shoulders relaxed and he fell back against his seat.

"That won't be necessary. Thank you for having me, I will retire now...
[Last Name],"  he barked.

[Name] threw her napkin onto her plate, pushed her chair back, and followed him up the stairs.

A/N: hii, sorry for not updating in literally forever, I lost email for this account, but your girl found it 💅💅 (I'll post multiple chapters today to make up for it <33)

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