The case of Christmas vampire

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It was Christmas day a few years ago. It was very snowy day – streets were white, trains were delayed... After rainy Christmas Eve, it was strange that in one night it snowed so much. It was eight o'clock, people started waking up in their homes. Only a few people haven't slept yet. One of those people was elder woman. She was a bit devout and went to church. It was near hour to mass, so she wanted to pray...when she saw a young woman lying near the main altar. She wasn't moving and on the floor was pool of blood. Her blood. Scared elder was close to heart attack and she shouted in scare. Vicar of that church, more precisely Church of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary heard that and rapidly came into the church. He called the police and tried to calm down old woman. In short, the police went in about twenty minutes, preserved the crime scene and took the body of young woman. It was first case in the new city for officer Michael, who moved to Navis a week before. When he saw the massacred body in church, he was a bit frightened, he never saw so cruel murder. There were some important questions: At the moment of murder church should be closed, but why it wasn't? What is the murder weapon and where it is?Answer to them might helped to find the murderer, but what if not...when police was searching for the murder weapon, there was found another body...on the train station, largest in Navis. At the end of platform layed another young women...killed by probably the same murderer – it was identical modus operandi. It was another lead for Michael, he had one more way to find murderer...and the murder weapon has been found – it was between the station tracks. After examining bodies and study about the murder weapon and circumstances of murder...police had nothing. The knife was perfectly clear, there were no marks of murderer, he must have worked in gloves and killed victims swiftly. There was one, new problem – why he killed two young women without any know connections between them? One day, at early morning he was staring at the photo of massacred body from station... he knew that isn't first time when somebody kills young it the next vampire or one, who is his nemesis? He moved to Navis, because he couldn't find men, who killed his sister in the same way as the "new" murderer. He tried to focus on his new home, new life...but the shadow of past was still with him. He was scared that he would be obsessed with the vampire, that murderer is connected with murder of his sister.A few days later, at New Year Eve, Michael went to his family, to see with parents and visit sisters' grave. He loved her much and always visited her, when it was possible. Two days later he returned to Navis...and seen a mail from work – it was the new murder. Murder near the cathedral. Young nun was killed in the same way like before, but this time additional accident happened – the body was laid on the tram tracks and tram hit it, so the body was massacred so much that other nun from her monastery barely recognized her. Fact that it was third perfectmurder made criminal police of Navis crazy, they couldn't do anything. They were counting on some mistake made by murderer, something that would help them...every time there was no eyewitnesses, he was killing women without families, friends...what they could do now? The whole police concentrated on this case. It was moment, when they couldn't cover up the murders, people of Navis knew about them and police had to solve the case. Michael left municipal headquarter of police and became surrounded by journalist asking about vampire. Who is he? When he will be recognized? What police does to protect citizens? Michael went to his car without saying any word...and returned home. He was tired of his job, but wanted to find murderer. He hoped that vampire of Navis is the murderer of his sister, he will find him and punish for all murders.Next day he met the pathologist to talk with him about the bodies, he wanted to get as much informations as he could. He tried to collect all the facts about vampire, he hoped that he will find any clues...and connect facts with them to find murderer fast. Next day he went to his office quite late, because he couldn't sleep...and at the moment when he entered police building, his phone rang. New murder...worser than before, because there was no full corpse, only head without eyes studded on fence. He rapidly went to place where head was found to look for trails. He stared at empty orbits of head and thought, where are her eyes, what they've seen before death. He was full of fear...that he couldn't find anything...and then he had seen a piece of paper. Michael looked at this and read...message from murderer. "You'll never find me, bastard – I am better than you and I'll do anything I want. L." After reading this, he was shocked. He signed the messaged in the same way as the murderer of his sister. After this he had to return to house, he was depressed – he couldn't do anything and vampire laughed at him. At evening someone called him...and said that police found clue. A fingerprint on the knife and blood of last victim on it. It gave hope to Michael...he went rapidly to lab. After hearing whose fingerprint is, he fainted.Two months later, mother of murderer visited him in the prison. She cried loud...her loved son killed five of them was her daughter. How was it possible that her son, policeman...had multiple personality disorder? How it was possible that he passed psychological tests? How is it possible that her loved Michael killed her own sister in so much brutal way?! She was scared...that she lived in the same house with murderer, a vampire.

Important things:

1. Navis is name of Łódź translated to latin.
2. Vampire isn't there stricte vampire, this word here means type of man killing women, especially those young in very cruel way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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