Captured Dead

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(Chapter 1)
On a misty monday night of december seventh, Detective Joshua Dead was working in the 7th precinct with his colleges, Detective Lynn Price and Detective Andy Franklin. They were finishing off paperwork, when a homicide came in, a landfill owner called in, saying there was a dead body in a suitcase in a dumpster. When Dead got there, Dr Cheryl Adams was already there, she met them with a bright, white smile, "34 year old white male, probably died at around four thirty yesterday." when Dead saw the body he gasped, it was his brother-in-law, Joey Finch. When he got back to the precinct, he couldn't stand the fact that someone could rob and shoot him in the head, and then leave him for dead, he needed answers, and he was going to get them.
When M.E. Dr. Adams examined the body, she found that the C.O.D (cause of death) was temporal bleeding(bleeding in the brain) but he had a bullet hole and several stab wounds, that were made post-mortem ( after death), clearly this was a crime of passion. The excessive contusions are not needed, but the killer wanted to make the victim hurt. Dr Adams said, "He was probably slapped in the face, hard enough to cut the inside of his cheek. Then he fell on his head, and he hit the side of the head with something hard and blunt." When Dead heard this, he had, had enough, he went to ring his sister, Macey Dead-Finch.
Dead got off the phone some time later, but he wasn't talking to his sister, she wouldn't answer. He was talking to the landfill owner that his brother-in-law was found in, he said, the dumpster was taken from 74th and bleaker's street. Great, Josh thought, he was one step closer to finding his brother-in-law's murderer.He went home.
The next morning, Detective Dead went down to the morgue to see Dr. Adams, she greeted him with a smile, but he didn't feel like smiling, he just wanted this to be over. She explained to him, that the killer was wearing gloves when they slapped him, so there will be no fingerprints. Dead knew that there would be no fingerprints, but before he left the morgue, something caught his eye, it was a piece of fabric on his left cheek. "what's that?" he said to Cheryl, she went in to look closer, she examined it carefully. "I will have to run some tests, but it looks as if it is a piece of cloth from a glove." After that, Dead went back up stairs, he had,had enough of people killing each other. He was going to make this right, he owed it to his sister.

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