Cнα⅊тɛʀ 10 (edited)

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Warning: Assault in this chapter

Nora's P.O.V

My boss was dressed in a formal navy-blue suit, a white shirt and black tie adding to his fancy attire alongside black leather shoes completing his entire outfit. His hair was sleeked back and gelled into place.

The moment he saw me he walked around to the driver’s side of the car and sat down, ignoring me entirely. I huffed in displeasure, the night already becoming ruined with just his arrogant and rude behaviour. ‘What kind of man is he? Definitely not a gentleman, that absolute dickwad’, I cursed him to oblivion and back.

A honk sounded from his car, and I glared at him as he rolled the passenger door down and shouted loudly enough for me to hear, “Are you coming or not? I don’t have all day!”

I had half a mind to show him my middle finger, but I fought back that aggressiveness and bit my tongue instead. I didn’t dare take a step further toward him though, I wanted to purposefully slow him down to the party since he seemed to be rushing. Then again, I couldn’t comprehend that Elijah Cooper was actually there, in front of my house and about to drive me to the event. ‘How could this be true? I don’t trust him. Why would he drive me when he could get his drivers to do it for him?’ A million thoughts flittered through my mind all making the decision far harder than it needed to be.

‘At least mom hadn’t seen him, she would have asked him a million intruding questions and would’ve made this entire thing so much worse’. I heaved. As I finally motivated myself to step towards the car, I realised that Elijah was examining me. It was a ravenous look in his eye that raked me from head to toe, in ways that set my body alight and made me timid with wanting to read his mind.

The door to his car was unlocked and I entered it steadily, settling down in the seats before strapping myself in. Elijah merely turned his head away from me to stare out of the front window. No words escaped him. I tugged at the dress wondering why he was so quiet. ‘I know he’s my boss and I shouldn’t expect anything but, the least he could have done was say something about my look.’

The engine roared to life before leaving the house behind and driving towards the venue. Throughout the entire ride we didn’t say a word to one another. It was awkward and I was stressing. I kept fiddling with the material I wore, sometimes my hair, sometimes my face… Anything to distract myself from Elijah and his tension. As he drove, the city passed by us. The evening light illuminated the skyscrapers, and I could see individuals still working in their office buildings.

We rolled up towards a mansion after some time. It was huge, to the point where my mouth gaped open, and I inched closer towards the windows to peer at the building with curiosity. Its white sleek roof tiles reflected the light coming from the lanterns surrounding the mansion, some of them hanging in trees. The wood panelling coating the outside walls were modern, giving off a beach vibe impression, but it only added a specific charm especially when it was combined with the white wooden pillars holding up the many balconies that surrounded the mansion. It was gorgeous and as we stopped in front of the building I could see a front-yard pool with teal blue water. Roses and jasmines lined the steppingstone pavements and miniature lamps were placed on the edge of it to light the way to the entrance. I had never been to a mansion before, so I wasn’t sure what to compare it to.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now