Rambling 1. Mr. Moneybags

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You are a guy who goes to college. You have a girlfriend and are working part-time in an electronics shop. Life is going rather well for you.

But then, life isn't always going quite so well for you. Your girlfriend broke up with you last week because she found out that you were cheating on her. She was upset about it, but didn't want to get too angry or anything since she still loves you and all.
The problem is, you don't really know what to do now. You can't just break up with your girlfriend and go back home; you would probably be arrested as soon as you got there.
You could try to find another girl to date, but again, that might not work out either. There's also the fact that you're currently unemployed and living at home with your parents (though they aren't exactly thrilled about this situation).

What do you do?
Input: You Win your girlfriend back.
You decide to take matters into your own hands. You head over to the local arcade and play some video games while trying to forget about your problems.
It works pretty well until one of the machines starts spitting out random numbers. The machine gives you a message saying "You win!"

"Oh my god! I won $1 million dollars!" You exclaim in excitement.
You turn around and see a tall man wearing glasses standing before you. He has short brown hair and wears a business suit.
His eyes seem to bore right through you, which makes him look even creepier.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met." He says coldly.

He walks towards you slowly and reaches his hand out to shake yours.
"Hello Mr. Moneybags, how may I help you?" He asks.

You stare at him blankly for a moment and he continues to stare at you. Eventually, you realize that he's staring at your wallet and start to panic.
"Hey wait a minute! What the hell are you doing?! You shouldn't be looking at my stuff like that!" You say.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't trying to steal anything." He says dismissively.
"No, no, I mean...I thought you were supposed to give me something for winning..." You say nervously.

"Ha ha, yeah sure did. But seriously though, I don't think we've ever met." He says.
"Well, I guess I'll see you later then." You say.

After shaking your hand, you leave the arcade and make your way home. As you walk down the street, you notice that everyone seems to be staring at you strangely.
You can only assume that they all know who you are now.

Eventually, you get home and collapse on your couch. Your mom comes in to check on you and notices that you're acting strange.
She calls up your dad to come pick you up since she thinks something is wrong.

Your dad arrives just as your mom leaves. He looks at you and sighs.

"Son, what happened? Why are people staring at you like that?" He asks.
"My money game lost." You reply.

"What?!" Your dad exclaims. "How could that happen?"

"It didn't lose, it won!" You insist. "And now I have a whole new set of problems."
"Are you serious? How do you explain this to us?" Your dad asks.

"I'm not going to lie, it was pretty weird when I first won." You admit.
"Hmm, well let me ask you this; why didn't you tell anyone else about your winnings?" Your dad asks.

"Because I figured nobody would believe me." You answer.
"So, you lied to us then?" Your dad asks.
"Yes, and I'm really sorry about that." You say.

"Alright son, I suppose we should probably talk more about this tomorrow night after dinner." Your dad says. "Now go to bed, you need some sleep before your big test tomorrow morning."
With those words spoken, Your dad turns off his light and leaves you alone with your thoughts.
You drift off to sleep and dream of a world where everything is perfect. A place where there isn't any war or strife. A place where you never had to work a real job because you were so rich from your gaming business. It's a beautiful dream...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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