A pretty young Thing

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Craig stands at the entrance of an underground strip club known only as "Beneath it All." It was kept hidden from the public eyes, only few even knew of its existence. Craig was one of the lucky few, but not out of his own choice. Honestly, he'd much rather be at home playing with his guinea pig then be down here where tons of rich men and gangsters threw their money just to see some pretty young things flaunt their stuff while they themselves drank till dawn. But, as fate would have it, his meeting here was mandatory if he wanted to keep his head or stay in one piece.

Yup, Craig Tucker lived two lives, all because of his stupid father too! In the morning he was a vet, which he found he quit liked. On the other hand, his father was a Mafia boss, so he was forced into this night life of drugs murder and money by his very own dad, Thomas Tucker.

"You'll thank me one day son." he recalls his father once saying to him. "People would kill to be in our positions, I know it ain't easy, but I promise you, it's all worth it in the end."

'Is it worth it to know you've killed men over a thousand times dad? Does their blood on your hands make you feel happy?' he thinks bitterly as he takes his finished cigar out from his lips and smashes it under his foot.

'Well guess what dad, it doesn't do that for me, not like you'd listen anyway..' with a sigh, Craig straightens his navy blue tie, runs a hand through his smoky locks of hair, then sighs out. He fixes his posture, wiping his face of emotion.

'Let's just get this over with.' the giant then pushes the door open, walking inside the club as if it's just a normal grocery store and not a meeting with his father. Once he's walked five steps in, he spots his dad and walks over to him.

"Ah, you made it I see, was afraid you ditched your old man."

"No, just had a hard time finding the place, the directions you gave were too vague." he states honestly as he pulls a chair open for himself next to his dad.

"Hmm, well it seems you found it, so I suppose everything turned out alright anyway" the mafia boss laughs, patting his son's back.

"Yeah, I guess it did. So what did you want me here for anyways?"

"Not much, actually, you didn't need to come this time, I was just sending you those directions so you'd know this is where we'll meet up from now on."

"Oh, great, can I leave then?"

"Not so fast boy, what's your hurry? Have a drink, get yourself a lap dance, relax for once son."

"No thanks, I don't want to pay a woman a buck just to move her ass on my crotch."

"Alright, then at least stay to drink something and watch an act, they put on quite the show over here, I bet you might even find something you'll like."

"Whatever." Craig begrudgingly moves from his seat and goes over to the mini bar, setting himself down.

"Hi, name's Kenny- say, you're the big man, Tuckers son right?" the bartender asks, wiping a glass off.

"Craig Tucker, that's me, don't wear it out."

"Ah, you seem down, why is that?"

"Came here on business, but it turns out I didn't even need to be here in the first place, so now my dad's making me stay for a bit."

"Aw, it's not all bad, this place is really nice, and the show's are mesmerizing to watch!"

"I'm not a guy who drools over woman. Anyway, can I get a Red Scotch on the Rocks?"

"Sure thing, I can mix you that right up! Also, if you play for the other team, you're in luck, we have a fine young man as one of our dancers too!"

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