Cнα⅊тɛʀ 11 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

The lingering pressure from Elijah's lips had me touching mine in remembrance of what had happened yesterday. The way his arm had strongly protected me from people's eyes as my dress was tugged back into position. How his eyes bore into mine with a desperation one would see in a starving lion and that expression on his face all foretelling a million different things whilst at the same time, hiding everything.

Those thoughts kept me awake the entire night. They were pestering me in a persistent manner and no matter how much I tossed and turned in bed, or how much I distracted myself with movies and TV shows on my laptop, Elijah was always there in my mind. He had kissed me, granted it was a perfect kiss, but there was no explanation behind it. 'What had influenced him to do that? How had it led from him zipping up my dress to locking lips with mine? Why did he do it?' Those thoughts plagued my mind incessantly.

I had practically run out of the building that night before hailing a passing cab and fleeing from the party, no number of messages from Elian, or Mark or even Elijah could prevent me from bolting back to my room and hiding in my pyjamas. In an effort to leave everything behind, I had switched my phone off, ignoring their futile attempts to contact me. A shower had done little to hone my body from the residual powers of Elijah's touch and not even the haven of my blanket, some Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and plenty of chocolate could protect me.

People like Elijah were playboys in disguise, their emotions were frail, and their dicks were in control of their actions. They had no awareness of real love, of trust, of loyalty, and most importantly of respect.


Like chewing gum, they kept us around till they lost taste and became bored, then they spit us out like trash with no second thought. To them we were expendable, replaceable, nothing but meat on legs. That was all that Elijah knew when it came to women.

'I regret going to that party, I knew it would go terribly and what happened? It went disastrously!' I was lamenting to the point where a headache was starting to form, and the light was starting to hurt my eyes, 'I was his assistant, his PERSONAL assistant and yet he had treated me like I was nothing more than a harlot.'

The remainder of the night passed on torturingly slow and it wasn't until the sun rays penetrated my curtains that I realised I had evaded sleep this entire time. Those memories of yesterday were so embarrassing that I avoided going to work the next day. No sane person would actually have wanted to show up in an office where the boss that kissed you passionately worked at. The dawning thought of my contract at the company crashed my migraine-filled head and I held onto it tightly, knowing that tomorrow I would be forced to show up.

I'd say Elijah didn't even care about the development between us, kissing to him was nothing but a measly sexual pleasure but to me, kissing was a big deal. It would be impossible to act like nothing massive had occurred and that's what frustrated me. He would show up at the office and act like he always did whereas I would stutter and stammer with the intent to question his actions and the reasons behind them.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now