This Involves a Construction Crew, a Library, a Festival, And a Missing Person

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There was a man named Robert, he worked for a very popular construction company but what they didn't know was that he was a murderer. His wife, Lisa, worked at a library before Robert stabbed her several times while she was asleep. Nobody found out and that was what Rob had intended. It had almost been a year since the murder of Lisa and Rob wanted to celebrate. While he was working with his crew he asked them what he should do to celebrate his wife's "death". 

     "What should I do to get over the fact my lovely wife is gone? The death anniversary is coming up soon," He asked, trying to sound mournful and cover up the fact he was happy.

     "Maybe a festival, I heard they're having one this weekend. I could come to help you get through," one of his crew members suggested. 

     "That sounds great, but I think I'll go alone. It'll make the process easier."

     His friend nodded and got back to work.

     After the day was finished Robert started to think of a plan at the library where Lisa had worked. He was looking at murder mystery books and murder books to get inspiration on how to get away with yet but another crime. Finally he thought of an amazing and dynamic idea.

     If I kidnap someone from the festival and kill them, no one will know. No one will find out and I'll be safe forever! He thought.

     The night after was the night of the festival and Rob was happier than ever. He was going to get away with his second murder on the anniversary of the first murder. It was like a murder turducken. The night had begun and people were crowding the streets and stores of the town hall. All Rob needed to do was find a suspect. After a long time of walking and searching he found a young-adult looking girl, maybe 18-20 years old. She was perfect. Robert walked up to her, grabbed her by the arm, shoved a hand towel in her mouth and pulled her behind a food shack. He took the towel out of her mouth and cupped his hand over her nose and lips, making it hard to breathe and talk. 

     "Say 1 word and it's over for you," Rob warned. He pulled out his gun and released his hand from her mouth.

     She nodded and looked around, trying to figure out a way to escape without him noticing. There was nothing she could do that he wouldn't notice.

     "You will follow me to a very dark and secluded forest. Remember, if you don't cooperate it's a shot to the head," he whispered but it sounded more like yells with his sharp and pointed tone.

     The only thing the girl could do was listen. At this point she had accepted her fate and was ready to do whatever he asked her to do.

     Robert led her to a forest that was miles away from the festival. You could still hear faints screams of happiness and see fireworks but overall it was quiet and nobody would be able to hear them. Robert pulled out a machete from his backpack he had taken with him then suddenly, he stopped. The police found him on their way to the festival. He ran straight into the forest with nothing but a machete and gun. The police saved the woman but couldn't find him. He went missing and was declared dead for the public, but nobody knows if he's still alive or not. 

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