Chapter 2 (The new Girl)

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 The new girl

Next period the teacher got the classes attention.

“All right class we have a new member coming today her name is Paris

“Hello my name is Paris”

The class all said hi, except me I just stared at her and she stared at me and smiled

“Pick a seat Paris you can sit where ever you want”

She was heading towards the spare set next to me.

“Paris come sit with us” Kristine said

“Don’t sit with that loser over there” Hailey followed

My face slammed into my books, I almost got a new friend today but I blew it

A week later Kristen and Hailey has turned Paris into a total nightmare she was taking peoples lunch money and bullying people and calling them names. What have they done to her she was such a nice person but now …… she’s just like the rest.

In homeroom we leant about ‘what we would do when we grow up’

I was looking forward to this assignment until the teacher said we had to get in pairs and do a project together, and guess who I was paired with

PARIS! I knew this was going to be trouble, trouble and trouble

“So what do YOU want to be when u grow up” said in her I’m way better then you voice

I didn’t answer her I just kept writing.

The project was to show off your talent in your own special way but that really got me as you can see I’m not a loud person and I hate people starring at me.

“So how are you going to do yours?” Paris asked pretending to care

“Why do you care?”

“Your right I don’t, anyway we have to get I good score in this assignment” if I get another C

My parents are getting me a tutor, so my house or yours?”

I didn’t answer

“Your house it is then”

So after school we walked home together, it was really awkward seeing she’s all popular and has so many friends but me just a loser that doesn’t even belong here or anywhere.

Once we got to my house she started wondering around the place “Nice house”

“Umm thanks, I guess”

We went up stairs to my room and mum got us a piece of cake with wiped cream and grated chocolate on top and a milkshake.

I got all my books out ready to do some work, but Paris just started munching on her cake and sipped every sip of her milkshake, she had chocolate all over her face, we looked at each other in a moment of silence and we both started cracking up with laughter we both fell on the floor. That day we didn’t get any work done just gossiping and laughing enjoying ach others company. Since then Paris had changed her attitude she didn’t take peoples money or bully them and she came around every Wednesdays to work on our project I’m actually starting to like her in fact I want her to come over more often.

“So what should we do for our project” I asked

“I don’t know this is so hard”

“Yeah it is isn’t it, hey Paris I think I’m beginning to like you more now”

“ME TOO! You’re not actually like how Kristine and Hailey described


“What do you mean??”

“Remember when you asked me what I wanted to be in class and I didn’t tell you”


“Well I have always wanted to be a professional dancer”

“COOL that just gave me an idea, we can do a dance”

And so we did ………..

2 months later me and Paris were best friends she ditched the populars and hanged outwith me we did everything together, we went shopping and told each other everything. 

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