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[A/N: This'll be my 2nd fict. And I'm... WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HECK, SO MIND BLOCKED. I HAVE TWO FICTS TO WORK MY MIND ON. So our main chara here is Kashiwagi Yuki --> A guy. Wait. ERASE ERASE YUKI. WAIT. CTRL + Z. ADD HARU BEFORE YUKI. XD And Watanabe Mayu. ---> A girl.]

Kashiwagi Haruyuki's POV...

What the!? DX So that's how you made my name?

Author: Oh yes. >:D

Oh no. Your brain is so not okay. Go to the doctor. > _ >

Author: I'm just fine. Now do your job. = _ = Or else I'll switch to Mayu.

W-wait! Okay! Okay! I got this one! XD

So I'm Kashiwagi Haruyuki. And today I'll be married to a girl named Watanabe Mayu. The love of my life! ^ o ^ W-wait...! O W O!!! M-married? DX Oh no! I can't be married to her! I'm not yet ready for commitment! DX

So I'm here in the church... Full of so many people. Waiting for us to get married. DX And my friends are all behind me! WHAT SHOULD I DO!?  T A T Damn that Mario for picking too many best Mans! DX

So she's finally there. The girl I'm going to marry. Walking down the aisle. LIKE A BOSS! XD W-wait! Now's no time to joke around! WHAT SHOULD I DO!? SHE'S A STEP AWAY FROM THE ALTAR! T A T

*Mayu steps forward*


Mayu: Yuki... ; _ ; I'm so happy...! I'm really waiting for this day to come. I'm finally going to be your one and only wife forever...! *tears of joy*

Me: ^ _ ^' I... I'm happy for you too. (Actually, I'm not! SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF THIS MESS! T A T I'M BEGGING YOU! Begging, begging, you~ W-wait! WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING ABOUT!? DX)

Father Mario: - _ - Let's now start this nonsensical and boring wedding. I bless this magical and rainbow colored rings WITH UNICORNS! XD

Me and Mayu: = _ =' Father, It's colorless. And Unicorn does not exist. > _ >

Father Mario: = _ =' IKR? Don't be such a KJ. I'm having fun here. HOHOHO~! XD

Mayu: Father, could you just go on with the wedding? No one needs to hear your Useless jokes. = _ ='

Father Mario: Alright~! XD Do you take this retard as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part? *glares at Mayu*

Me: Come again? O _ O Did you just say 'this retard' to describe me? = _ =

Father Mario: Yeah~ XD LOL. I was joking. I'll get serious now. Do you take Kashiwagi Haruyuki as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part? > _ >

Mayu: = _ =' I do.

Father Mario: Alright~! Good! Good! XD And you. *glares at me* Do you take this ass as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?

Mayu: HAH!? D:< Did you just describe me as an ASS!? DDx

Father Mario: Oh, you heard nothing. XD *glares at me* Answer please? > _ >

Me: Ahh... I... I... O _ O (Argh... I just can't.) *holds Mayu in the shoulder* ... - _ - *looks to the left* ... *looks to the right* ... *looks at Mayu* Sorry. I just can't. :( *runs away* SORRY, SORRY! Dx I JUST CAN'T MARRY ANYONE RIGHT NOW!

Mayu: *jaw drop* ... T A T Yuki... How could you... How could you do this to me...? T ^ T

-End of Prologue-


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