Part One - Chapter One

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He knocks loudly on my door as I flinch on the bed. He's mad, you can feel it in his knock. Loud and quickly, it pierces my ear drums. The sharp knock again and again as my throat grows tighter with fear. It feels like someone is squeezing my pipe line as I finally let out a weak "Yea?" A few moments go by before he replys, "You're needed in room 4,"
Room 4 - the place where they send you if you've failed a mission.

"I suggest you get going." He continued.

I swallow, and take a deep breathe before I stand up. "And if I don't?" I ask while pressing on my boot. He pauses as I hear him sigh, "My guess is that you don't want to find out." He quickly says in a thunderous voice. I hear his feet thump as he walks away and I throw on my jacket. We live in a network they call it. Everyone is connected through tunnels and hallways. They often tell us about the outside in class and what happens when you try to escape or disobey an order. They tell us about the war of 2017 and how it changed us as a nation, but what they never tell us is what happened.

I open the slide to the hallway and make my way down to 4. There are 15 sectors and each sector has a number anywhere between 1 to 15. I live in 4 which has the main room which is where I'm headed. Then there are the working quarters where everyone is given their job. We only have a few main jobs in 4 like maintenance workers, farmers and miners but if you live in a different sector it changes.

After that it's where I am, the living quarters which is a hive of house like rooms. Each labelled with a letter then the section number, and after Z it turns to 2 letters like AZ and it continues to count up like that. I live in TVE 4. Which is a long walk to room 4.

I go through the hallway of the working quarters where the doors to each job is labelled. "MINING" "MAINTENANCE" "FARMING" I keep walking until I find a room called "INSTRUCTION 4" I slowly open the door as my heart begins to race and look around. This is one of my first times being here. There's little to no room once you walk in. There's the desk and the lady at the table, her name tag reads out "Tonyia". You speak to her, tell her why you're here and who you are. Then she decides if you leave or if you gave a good reason. After that you get sent into another room where you wait and one by one the Head Promise calls you in. The Head Promise is like our leader. His name is Henry Lovoke and we get a new Promise every 3 years.

I walk up and hand her my info card. Everyone has one, it's law and your only form of identification. She scans it and I hear a loud beep. "Kadance Trophy" she reads out. I nod and swallow trying to hold back the fear and anxiety. "Don't be scared," she tells me in an even voice. "Do you know why you're here?"

Thoughts race in my head. Why am I here? What did I do?
My palms begin to sweat and I shake my head no. She looks at her computer screen and prints papers off. "Alright head in." she says as she presses the unlock button to the waiting room and sends the papers she printed off in a vile.

I walk through the door where they scan you for weapons and once I'm cleared I continue into the waiting room. Here in the network there's no such thing as an economy. No one is poor but you can tell the Head Promise picks favourites. Luckily I'm one since my mother grew up with him but you can tell who isn't. I look around and I see a man in need for a new uniform. He's probably here for that. They don't hand out new ones unless your size has changed and it looks like he was never upgraded. I sigh as I take my seat. Knowing this kind of unfairness still exists disgusts me.

The seat is metal with a leather cushion, and as I run my fingers on the arm rest I wonder if it's real leather. They call up the man that was in the room and he hops into the main room where you speak to the Head Promise. I'm left alone in the room as my heart begins to race. They never call people down unless they're in trouble. What did I do?

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