Chapter 1

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After a total nightmare the day before 9 keeps his promise and takes 7 out for a date. I'm sorry I. Couldn't keep my promise to you. Said 9.
Oh, that's okay. Don't blame yourself. Besides the real reason our date got canceled was because of those two stupid cupids called 3 and 4.
I thought you loved them. Said 9.
9. Think of what happened yesterday. 9 recalls the twins chasing them around as well as 5 and 6 chasing 7 and 7 having to hide on the rooftop to get away from them, and lets not forget what happened in the library.
9 recalled when 7 got shot with the love arrow and how strongly it affected her behavior strangely as well.

Alright! Let's forget about that! He said while closing his eyes tight  while trying to forget it ever happened. What's the 9? Don't tell me you still see what went on between us when we were in the library together.
LET'S JUST DROP IT 7!! He says why feeling embarrassed.

Okay. To tell you the truth I was embarrassed as much as you.
What was I even thinking back then?!!
You weren't 7. You were under a love spell. Remember.
Why did those two have to find the arrows and do this to us?!!! Cried 7 in so much anger. I don't know 7 but anyway. Do you want to venture out.
Sure, but where can we drink without any interruptions?
9 thinks. Hmm... Wait! I know!! He grabs 7 by her hand. Follow me!!
He takes her to the repair room.
You sure no one will find us here? I mean what if someone was to come in?
Don't worry 7. Most of the others are busy attending to other things now.
You don't have to worry. We will both be alone for today. I assure you.

When they are in the repair room the sit down on the floor across each other.
5 comes carrying two thimbles of oil to 9 and 7.
Okay, you two. He says as he hands the the thimbles of oil to them. Here you go. Enjoy! Thanks 5. They both said at once. You two have a romantic evening and I hope this makes up for what happened yesterday.

Just forget about it. Said 9. We're all trying to. Well okay. You two have fun together. He says as he leaves the room to let 9 and 7 have some privacy.
Well that was nice of 5 to get some fine oil for the two of us. Said 9 as he takes a sip of oil from his thimble. Yes. I have to agree with you. He sure made up for what happened yesterday. She raises her thimble in the air. A toast to us.
He raises his thimble of oil up as well. To us 7! Same here 9. She said with a daydream smile on her face. Then they both bump their thimbles together and take a sip of their oil. Man! That some good oil!! Said 7.
Just make sure not to drink too much. I don't want you to faint on me.
Don't worry 9. I won't drink a lot. So, have I ever told you always have the cutest little smile. She says as she puts her palm of her hand to her cheek.
9 blushes. I think you might have said that once before. Well it is true. I really think you are cute 9. Not to mention you have a gentle kind caring soul that I will always love. 9 begins to blush more. Gosh 7. That's extremely sweet of you to say.
I just wish I knew what to say about you.
What??! You don't have anything to say about me?!! I thought you loved me!!
9 is starting to get nervous. I mean I do but I just can't think of what to say right now. Right... I'm serious 7. Your wonderful words you said about me just threw me off. 7 sighs. Well, I guess I understand you there. I'm sure you'll come up with something. Well anyway lets just finish our drinks said 7.

After they finished their oil 9 suggests that the both of them go for a walk in the emptiness to explore. That sounds exciting 9. Really? Yes.
Hey 9. I'm sorry if I was pushing you to say something about me.
It's okay 7. I was just brain dead before. Truth is I think you have a lovely personality that any male stitchpunk would want. You are so beautiful, brave and strong that I just would want to...
Without any warning 7 leans over to kiss 9 when all of a sudden 5 and 6 butt in and tease them. 9 and 7's eyes widen in embarrassment.
5 and 6 start to sing. 9 and 7 sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!
Can you two guys leave please! We're on a date here!!
Okay 9. We'll leave. 9 sighs with relief. Thank you.
5 gives 9 a sneaky smirk. Sorry 9. I had to do it. I just couldn't resist. He said while giggling. Great, you had your fun. Said 9. Now both of you if you don't mind LEAVE US AT PEACE!!

Okay 9 see ya later. Good luck with your date. 5 said in a tease.
9 then looks at 7. You know 7 have I ever told you that you look like an angel.
She gives him a gentle smile. Thanks 9. I haven't seen that cute smiling face since we were listening to Over The Rainbow that one time.
Then the both of them hear singing coming from outside the room.

5: Somewhere over the rainbow...
6: Way up high.

But how about we settle down first to find a place to be alone. He said as he looks annoyed at 5 and 6. They both get themselves up. Yeah good thinking 9.
They both leave the room and walk beside one another.
How about we go to the library again but this time we'll be alone.
Good thinking! So they both head to the library. When they get there they look and walk around. 9 climbs up on a few book shelves.
Hey 9! Come on. I'll help you up. 9 grabs 7 by the hand as he pulls him up.
Thanks 7. No problem.

So book do you want to read? Asked 7. Actually I just wanted to spend some time with you here where there is no one but us. Oh... I see. She said as she gave him a gentle smile. 9 sits 7 down on the shelf and then he sits down along the side of her and puts his arm around her back and holds her close towards him.
7 feels a strong glowing feeling in her soul.
She feels safe with her dear 9 beside her. 9? What is it? He said. Her cheeks turn bright lime green. You don't mind if I kiss you. Do you?
9 swallows hard while blushing as well. Sure. You can 7.
She leans forward towards him and kisses him right on the lips while having her eyes closed. 9 eye pupils are small by the shocking emotion he is feeling when she kissed him with no hesitation.  Then like 7 he closes his eyes and puts his hands on her cheeks and slowly but gentle strokes them as well.
Both of them are deeply in love with one another and kiss each other for a long time. They then slowly unlock lips and slowly open their eyes and stare at one another like they are in a daze.

Wow... 7, that was something alright! I felt like my soul lit up more than ever on the way that you kissed me like that. I love you 7.
You are not a bad kisser yourself 9. In fact my soul also lit up too.
I guess that means something. Right?
9 knows what she is feeling. Right. He leans on 7's shoulder. She smiles at him.
You know 7. I wish I had something to give to give to you.
7 leans closer to 9's body. That's okay. The gift of you being here with me is enough. She said as she lays her head into 9's chest and nudges him.
He looks at her and strokes her head. She then slowly closes her eyes as if she is about to go to sleep and smiles peacefully.
9 looks down at her and smiles. You can stay there as long as you want 7.
Thank you 9. She says as she nudges her head some more to keep herself comfortable. She has her eyes closed for a while and daydreams about her and 9. Even if this wasn't in her nature 7 has hidden feelings that she has towards 9 that she  always wanted to show him but hardly ever got the chance.
She feels a strong glowing feeling in her soul. A feeling like she is now safe with the one she loves and at last got to spend some private time with him.

She then slowly opens her eyes and slowly picks up her head off of 9's chest.
Hey 9? Huh?? He says as he turns his head towards her.
I have an idea but first we need to get off this bookshelf.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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