The new girl

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Hey guys I'm really looking forward to this story hope you enjoy.

♡~Lucy's pov~♡

*Beep* *Beep* I grunt as I hear my alarm I stand up and turn it off its 6am and my new school starts at 7:30am. I walk towards my bathroom and take a shower 'I wonder how my new school is' I sigh seeing that it has already been 20 minutes since I got in the shower. I get out off the shower and got dressed in the new school uniform when I'm done I look in the mirror

 I get out off the shower and got dressed in the new school uniform when I'm done I look in the mirror

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'Wow this school uniform really is the best' I thought as I put my shoes when I walked to the door. I looked at the clock that was hanging in the living room and it pointed it was 6:47 so I made my way to the new school. As i was walking boys would stare at me and even whistle 'these assholes who do they think they are?' But i just kept moving on as if nothing happend. When I finally made it to the school a lot of people were just walking around so i made my way to the main office 'jeez this school is big i had to ask for directions 3 times just for me to get to the office' as I walked in I saw the principle talking to a group of boys. 'They might be trouble' as I made my presence be known the boy turned to me with deadly stares if looks can kill I would be a goner. The principle esxused them and they left. "Sorry about that, so why are you here?" I just shaked my head "it's no big deal, and I'm lucy I'm the new student here" he just smiled and said "right! Here's your schedule" he gave me a paper and I kindly took it. I gave my thanks and walked out as I was outside the office I heard a lot of girl screaming and saying stuff like "sooo hot!! And "kyaaa". I ignored it and kept walking I bumped into a a girl with blue hair and glasses. "Oh! I'm so sorry!!" She said I just waved her off " no problem it's fine I'm lucy and you are?" She smiled brightly and said " my name is levy! Nice to meet you lu-chan!" I gave her a smile. Then I asked um levy-chan do you know where my math class is?" Showing her the paper. She gave me another wide smile "yeah! That's my first class aswell!!" I smiled "great then let's become friends levy-chan!" She nodded and we walked to our class. When we got there people were already sitting in their places and me and levy went to the back of the class out of nowhere girls started squealing 'jeez when will they shut up!' I rolled my eyes. Then 2 guys walked in one had raven hair while the other had salmon hair and they came to the back with me and levy. I swear I saw levy flinch as the guys sat close to us and then the teacher walked in "hello students as you may know there is a new student in this class please stand up and introduce yourself" I stood up and said " hi my name is lucy and I hope we could get along" I heard people saying "dang shes hot" or " what a beauty" I sat back down and the teacher said "welcome to fairy tail lucy! And thank you now on with the lesson".

~After class cause no one likes class~

~levy's pov~

I was waiting for lu-chan to get back from her locker so we could go have lunch together as I was walking I bumped into the biggest bully in the school everyone was terrified of her she was the biggest bully well except the bad boy but shes as worst as some of them. I quickly stood up and said "I'm so sorry!!" As i kept woving and I heard people saying things like "shes dead" or "dang poor nerd" I was about to cry "bitch! Who do you think you are to bump into me!! Do your glasses not even work!!" I was so scared I was about to be slapped when I heard a "oi! The fuck you doing to her!?" I turned around to find....

~grays pov~

As the girl that thinks she is my girlfriend was about to slap the nerd someone yells "oi! The fuck you think you are going to her!?" It was that blondie girl in my first class 'new and already about to die jeez people are so fucking annoying'. These bitch then yells "huh!?! Who do u think you are talking to you bitch!?" The blondie was already helping that nerd and she looked at this bitch in front of me "I'm talking to a fucking slut that's right in front of me" she said. I gave a little smirk and some people were staring at her wide eyed this bitch then yells"bitch! Fight me!!". The blondie give her a death stare "are you sure? I might ruin that plastic face of yours". When I saw her at the office I thought this girl was innocent and a nerd guees I was wrong. The this hoe said " plastic?!" The blondie then said " never mind you probably cant even afford the damn surgery for it anyway I got to go to lunch I dont really dont like to waste my time on bitches like you bye bye now". I gave another smirk but then this hoe ran to her ' welp bye bye blondie' but then the blondie girl judged and put her feet on purpose so the hoe would trip and her nose was bleeding. "Woops guess you really will need that surgery" and the blondie and nerd left. People were so surprised and didnt even dared to move this bitch started crying and then I felt a arm around my should "sup dude what's up?" This flame brain said " not much just wasting time" and we left to lunch.

Hope you guys enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter bye bye and take care! :)

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