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"i'm ready, Osamu.", you said to the chocolate-haired man. he turned his head to you, looking at you in the strangest way before his eyes slowly widened. the muzzle of the gun you're holding against your temple was a distinct, cold feeling on your skin.

"you.. you know i was just joking earlier... right?", the bandage-clad man said incredulously, putting down the book he was reading on the coffee table, his attention now on you.

you smiled, your eyes narrowing slightly, curious at your partner's reaction. "oh? why are you hesitating? this is your dream, right? to commit a double suicide along with a beautiful woman? with how long you've kept me by your side, i'm sure i fit the beautiful part."

his eyes were wide, whether it's because of fear, excitement, or even arousal, you did not know. you leaned back on your chair, gun still fixated on your skull.

"you'll join me, right?", you said, eyes still burning at his, your face lit partially by the full moon glowing in the ebony sky. Dazai's lip twitched almost unnoticeably, as if trying to muster the words, the man trying to regain his calm, cool composure.

tick tock. at least the clock was willing to answer, albeit vexatiously

"o-of course! my darling, i'm glad we've finally come to this moment,", he said, already donning his suave grin, hand partly buried under the couch's cushions to fish out the emergency gun you'd hidden there.

you couldn't help but snicker. it turned into a chuckle, until you couldn't sit straight in your chair, shaking with laughter.
Dazai sat on the couch, confusion displayed on his face, gun already in hand.

finally you'd calmed down, wiping stray tears from the corner of your eyes, straightening the gun pointed at your temple. everything right now was inconceivable to you- you're sad, devastated, in fact. how could you not be? you finally know the truth.

he never really loved you. oh, tragedy.

"so, how long were you planning to stay with me?", you spoke after getting over the  melancholic hilarity of the situation. he still looked over at you, although it seemed everything was starting to clicked in his enigmatic mind. a few seconds passed, and you stopped him just before he could say anything.

"ah, you don't need to answer that. i'll just end things now.", you said nonchalantly, your finger already on the trigger. Dazai stood abruptly, a hand reached out toward you- yet he just stood there, still, your dull eyes watching him. disappointedly you shook your head, and you pulled the trigger.

the last thing you heard was him, the liar, calling your name.

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