🥇In the beginning🥇

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"Dreams are something everybody as... something they want to come through...no matter what they will go for it. Risk are something every single soul as to take if they want to achieve a certain goal even if it means putting their whole family in danger without them knowning. With or without HELP do what you can do even when times get rough keep going until you have completed the task. Remember not everyone that you have close is considered a dear friend because they will do the unexpected of things. Never forget those who help you in life for there's a price to be paid at the end of the day. Never forget."
Jason Charles.
Alpha of the.
Silver Cloud Pack.

These are words Chloe took to her heart knowing that they are all true.


As a member of the Silver Cloud Pack, sixteen year old Chloe Charles was happy, as the precious jewel of the family she was spoilt, as the daughter of Alpha Jason Charles and Alpha Tiara Charles, rulers of the biggest and most respected pack in North America, she was looked up to. Having over two thousand members, the biggest war schemes and the most enemies, the pack was a very happy pack. The bond shared is unexplainable and strong that gives a feeling of togetherness and warmth.


Chloe P.O.V

This is what a normal day feels like...birds singing random melodies and trees swaying along with the rhythm, leaves moving carelessly due to the slight kisses of the breeze. A sight to be hold.
This is a life needed at all times no matter what,a life to live and a life to remember to the fullest.


Being disturbed from a weird but great and peaceful dream is one but being drenched in cold water is soooooo different.

"Why on earth did you do that". I screamed, shock obvious on my face. Flying out of bed, literally, I came face to face with no other than Mike, my shithead of a brother. I still cannot believe that we are related, like c'mon... we aren't even alike in no way,and when I say no way I mean no WAY alike.

Looking at my brother who was now clutching his sides due to too much laughter, was leaning against the the doorpost for support with a grey pail in hand.
"You looked so funny...you even hit your head on the bed post...my God." he roared in laughter has I stared at him with a blank face.
"I seriously don't get the joke so please share" I said frowning at him.
He looked at me as if I was the funniest thing he has ever seen. What a fool!!! He's so gonna pay for this.
"Sister dear, you ain't gonna get it because the jokes on you." And there he goes again cracking up.
"Can't you shut up." I shouted annoyed.
"Not after you look like a wet cat that-"
He didn't even get to finish his statement because my knee had a meeting with his Jr. down south. Before I knew it he was on the ground groaning and wiggling like a worm. Poor Mike. He deserved it though.
"Now it's my turn to laugh my face off," I said giggling "this is called pay back Mikey boy".

The way he looked on the sky blue fluffy rug was epic. He twisted and he turned as his Jr throbbed in pain. I laughed until tears were streaming down like...I don't even know like what.
"Are you ok? you don't look too good,is there any way I can help?" I questioned, giggling.
The look on his face was so funny I had crouched down holding my stomach, due to it feeling like it was gonna drop out anytime soon.
"Your...face is so...priceless...oh my goddess." I croaked out.
I had to stop laughing at him because I started to feel a little achy in my tummy. I tried to get up from my position on the ground but failed due to the cramps in my lower abdomen and back. Slow movements caught my eyes has I saw him get up.
"Took you long enough to recover from the 'early morning present'". I chuckled.
"You are so dead." Mike hissed.
"That's what happens when you wake a girl for no reason at all" I commented.
"Shut the hell up Lowi" he said furiously.
"Yeah yeah whatever" I mumbled.
He took his time to leave me alone, in my room,at 6 in the morning. Six!!!! What the hell did he do that for? Waking me up?
"Someone is whining like a pup" I shouted after him.
Mike being the person he is just flipped me off. Oh well. Not really in the mood to go down stairs yet I plopped down in bed, shooting up the second I went down.
"Darn it...to hell with you Mike." I grumbled softly.
Walking about in my room was what I did until about seven. Taking a seat around my study table, I open one of my drawing books I did a few sketches to pass time. When I looked up it was quarter pass eight so I went to the bathroom, did my every morning stuff and after finishing i went to my closet and took out a blue and white jersey with the number sixteen on it with a black skinny jeans and leather black boots. Putting my hair in a high pony tail because I wasn't in the mood to comb it. Although I am never in the mood to comb it. Who the hell has time to comb hair that reaches your butt?? Well it ain't me, sorry.

Walking out of my room to the stairs was quick with no disturbance like every other morning and boy I was grateful and pleased but confused but i let it slide. As I was about to turn the corner when I collided with my main maid Suzie.
"I'm so sorry...Ms. Charles?" She looked at me questioningly.
"No problem Suzie and what is it Sue?" I replied.
"What are you doing up...up so early?"
"Oh...you see my brother woke me this morning by throwing cold water on me...while I slept in my oh so comfortable bed."
I recited the the disaster I went through not so long ago.
"That's rude of him." she complained.
I did nothing but nod.
"Good morning by the way Ms. Charles." she spoke breaking the silence.
"Good morning Sue." I chirped sweetly, smiling.
Walking away from her I heard talking in the living room so that's where I went. As I was about to open the door, I stopped in my tracks.
"She is dangerous yes but she is our sister." Cleo protested loudly.
"When are you going to tell her of her abilities Father, uh, when because I'd be damned and do it my self." Rowan, the eldest of my brothers,shouted furiously.
"She will know in due time, and watch your tone when you speak to me." father argued.
"She has to know during breakfast or I'm spilling the beans." Derek volunteered sternly.
"Fine." Father sighed defeated.
Not wanting them to know I heard I headed to the kitchen. What do they mean by I'm: dangerous?
What am I?
Why this?
Why now?

But mostly what the hell were they talking about?

A/N note:

I know it's a little long but bare with me it's mah first time on here but not mah first book. So be honest how was it. Please comment so that I can do better you can even make suggestions, ok?. Yeah‼️‼️🤞🤞😊

Do you have any questions about this chapter? Please let me know...I don't know what to expect😟😟😟.

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Blossom 🥰

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