chapter 1

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so today was a quite shitty day tbh...
yesterday I died my eyelashes and the colour fell off and it's now under my eyes... I look like a ghost...
so during Norwegian we were reading books and I started to write "George" all over a page:)
I showed it to Fillip and then Magnus saw it and said: Who's that?
Nikolai: I'm sure it's someone she loves like One Direction or something..
Me: Yes it's George from Union J:)
Nikolai: do your seriously still like One Direction tho?
Markus: They can't sing...
me: you can't sing
Then Theodor called me ugly for no reason. yes, I looked like a ghost but it still hurt. I wanted to run away so bad and just.... cry....

But later I became more friends with them again. Theodor scared the shit out of Magnus and we laughed our asses off😂. Quite funny tbh:))))
I also got a test and I got E. fuck school.

- I'll write and update as often as I can:)) -Thea

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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