Chapter One

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My names Allie. I'm an ordinary teenage girl with one dream I'm hoping to fulfil when I grow up, and that would be singing. I have my own YouTube channel, and I have done for a while now. I post videos of myself singing so many different songs and with accompaniment I play the guitar. My friends support me with my channel but I will admit a lot of people in my school don't agree with it, I don't blame them really.

It was one day in March I had decided I was going to audition for a talent show, and that was Xfactor. Many people recommended it to me but I had every doubt that I wouldn't make it far in the competition. I don't have very high expectations of me living the life I destined to have which to my family is quite upsetting, as they have every hope in me to get far. I love them for that, but I know it won't work.
I searched for the Xfactor audition page and quickly applied for the show. My heart rate had sped up twice as fast and I was now officially bricking it. I had mixed emotions about what I had just done and I feel so regretful of it. "Ahh, I've made a huge mistake haven't i?" I rubbed my temples trying to ease myself down while staring blankly into the air. "This isn't going to work, this won't work at all." I sat down and took a few deep breaths, which actually helped a lot. I heard a notification sound pop up on my laptop and saw I had an email from someone. Shit.
I ran to my laptop and clicked on the mail. It read:
'Thank you for applying with The Xfactor! Below are your audition dates and time. Be sure to keep this information safe as we're excited to see your performance. Good luck!'

This was it. The first step into my dream career. The one moment I had been hoping for, but unfortunately not this way.


The day was here! I woke up quite early in the morning so I could get myself prepared for this experience. I picked out an outfit and made sure it was suitable for the show. Black skinnies, a baggy crop top and a grey cardigan. Perfect. My mum decided she and my dad would drive me there for support, and to make sure I didn't chicken out or run away from anyone. I showered, changed, did my make up and got everything I needed to go, and then set off on the road for a three/four hour trip to my auditions. Was I nervous? Yes, and there was no way in hell I was close to ready for this.

The car ride was short as I fell asleep just as we hit the road, that for me was awful as I didn't particularly want this day to happen. As we parked up outside the stadium it was held at, my nerves grew into something a lot stronger. I felt like pulling every strand of hair out of my head, I've never felt this nervous before! I got out the car and walked ahead to seeing hundreds of people queuing outside the building eager to get inside, and for me I was eager to leg it back home. "Honey, I don't quite understand why you're so nervous, I can feel you shaking. This shouldn't be so nerve wrecking for you, you're used to this sort of stuff!" My mum wrapped her arm around my shoulder and tugged on me tightly. I sighed a little and muttered under my breath, "Mum, I don't think you realise that this is a hell of a lot different to what I'm used to. I'm used to sitting on my bed in front of a small camera, strumming away on my guitar with no one but me in the room. I'm so nervous!"
Even though I post videos for people to notice me from around the world, it's different from everything I experience. Many people watch my videos but they never see it happening live. I've never performed live for someone, and that for me isn't a good thing. I'm a musician, I for one should have every single bit of confidence to perform in front of people, but I come across as different, and I'm not proud of it...

I hope this part was ok! 10 views for the next chapter 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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