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I'm Ginny WeatherField! I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's not my real name! Here's my story

I fidgeted around a bit, as I was very restless. Constantly my eyes scanned the room in every direction, for something. I think the reason I'm so restless is because I lied around for three-four hours. My back was always so sour and stiff, my mouth is so dry all the time because I needed a drink. Sadly, I had the least fuss.. I had one set of clothing a really big a top that was really my mothers. Finally a thin woollen blanket. But, then again my parents were really poor, and only lived on a farm. That's the only way we got our food! My name, well my real name I've never known. My siblings never called me by it. My parents never spoke to me. Night fall fell upon us, I was finally lifted out from my hard wooden crib. Gently my mum cradled me carefully in her arms humming a sweet tune. Then, she sat me on the table and served me and my family up some pea soup. I splashed and played in my soup, for I was so small I could fit in the pan.
'Aaah! Look at her such a sweet-heart!' My mama exclaimed beaming. I tried to smile but my lips just pressed together and I drooled all down my top. My four older siblings laughed hysterically except for one. My dear brother Peter, he took me into his arms and cradled my so carefully. He helped me eat up my pea soup as I munched away madly clapping and squealing. Then, he took me up stairs and tucked me up in his bed, climbed in with me and he both fell asleep straight away.

As the years swept by, Peter really helped me with learning, I could read fine, I could write and add simple things. I was also a good drawer and loved art. Also as I was now two I had sprouted blonde tumbling curls from my bold baby head. Now I wore a farmers cap, my older sister's long johns with a checked black and red shirt with yellow wellie's. My mum would also tie my hair into pigtails. She was so caring my mum. She never spoke to me, but loved me. She was beautiful and young to. I trudged up the huge muddy hill behind Peter carrying the pigs food.
'Peter,' I would ask, 'Where's, uhm, Eliza?' Peter sighed and his eyes swelled up, he stopped walking sat down and sat me on his lap. 'You are quite curious aren't you lass! Ah, Eliza went into service as a servant last week. She insisted on helping mama earn some money.' Peter explained. 'I want her!' I wailed. Peter pressed his finger against my lips. 'Come on, enough dilly dallying we've got some pigs to feed.' So he threw me up into the hair and he continued up the hill. I breathed hard taking giant steps, my face red. 'Don't worry lass we're nearly there!' Peter coughed. Even though Peter was a darling to me even he didn't speak my name he preferred to call me 'lass'. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the rest of the hill. 'Here you are pork, feed on the you great fat lummox's!' Peter threw the mushed carrots into the pig stein. 'Ah.' He sat down against a tree and I jumped over to sit by him. 'Whats on your mind Peter?' He threw a sad look at me and sighed. 'Im sorry,lass, I can't tell I swore to mum I'd keep it to me.' He replied. I grabbed his arm and looked at him encouragingly. 'Mama is ok right?' I asked worriedly. Peter laughed, 'Yes lass, mama is just fine.' I glared at him but settled with it and snuggled into him. 'Come on,' Peter said lifting me up, 'let's not sit here and moan let's go-' he hesitated a moment. Then he took me by the hand and we dashed down the hill. I screamed and giggled as we rolled down. 'TAG!' He yelled. Passionately I screamed again and chased after him. We ran around the yard loads until he swooped me up and brought me inside. 'C'mon lass it's bedtime.' He said breathless putting me down on the rug. He pulled my wellie's of unbuttoned my long johns put a diaper on. Then, he took of my cap pulled my top of and carried me up the stairs. 'Peter?' I said as he laid me in my bed. 'What is lass?' He replied. 'Do you promise our family will be together forever.' He giggled, 'I'm sorry lass I can't.' Then he blew out my candles and closed the door, leaving me wondering about our family...

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