My Forever.

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My Forever.

Okay so this is my first story and I would just like to notify any of you that read this .... I have a tendency of writing in text message or switching from first to third person. If you find any mistakes please tell me and I'll go back and fix them it may be a little confusing so if you do become confused just message me and I will explain things as well as I can to you. Anywho .... (p.s I will need some time because I am moving soon and am busy packing so each chapter will need at least 2 weeks to develop...) on to the story ..... ENJOY!? ;) 


Kirsten Daniele White - Nickname Kirst or K.D; 14 years old; is a wolf (like all the characters really) that is pure white and black tips on the paws,tail,and ears. Is extremely moody at times and her moods can flip a switch like that! Very innocent but can be the devil at rare times. Calls her big brother; Teddy bear and big brother.

Adrian White - Kirsten's big brother; is 17 years old; best friend is the Alpha of there small pack. Very protective of his friends and family. Is also the 2nd in charge; Beta. Loves K.D to bits. Wolf: pure black with white tips on the ears tail and paws.

Lee Grey - Is 17 years old. Parants died when he was 6. Alpha of the small riverside pack. Best friend is Adrian. Knows that K.D is his mate but waits to tell everyone until she is 15. (mating age) Wolf: pure black.

Chris Ashford - best friends with Lee, Adrian, and Kirsten. 16 years old and is also a wolf; redish white. Very playful and protective. Parents died when 9.

Harper Sampson - 16 years old. Friends with all of them. Doesnt know his parents; was raised in an orphanage. Hyper yet mellow and protective. Wolf: reddish brown.

My Forever.

I bounded up the stairs in wolf form; searching for my brother Adrian, and Lee (her mate). I pushed open the games room door with my head. "Hey little sis." Adrian smiles brightly. "Hi K.D" Lee says softly to me with a small smile. I barked happily and wagged my tail then shifted back; forgetting my clothes had torn in the process of shifting into my wolf. "Kirsten! You don't have clothes on they rip when you shift remember. I know your only 14 but you must learn." Adrian says taking off his shirt and putting it on me. "sowwy big brother .... I was excited to see you and Lee-Lee!" I smile up at him and sat on the ground. "K.D .... Lee-Lee really?" Lee asks chuckling. I smile cheekily "yup!" I pop the 'p'. I look around the games room and then back at my brother. "what at you guys playing?" I ask. "waiting on Harper and Chris so we can go for a run in the woods." Adrian answers. I jump up "can i go to?!" I shout giving them the puppy dog eyes. "mommy and daddy havnt come back from there trip and I don't wanna stay home alone." they chuckle at me and nod. "sure K.D." Lee says. Big brother chuckles and whispers to Lee "my sister has a crush on you Lee. I swear it." my eyes widen. I do not have a crush on Lee-Lee! "no I don't Teddy bear your a fibber!" I shout pointing my finger at Adrian. Both boys laugh at my reaction. My bottom lip trembles. "n-no laughing at me!" I yell. Lee quits laughing along with big brother and they sit in front of me. Lee wipes my tears away. "ssh don't cry Kirsten. We didn't mean to laugh at you." Lee mumbles. "ya K.D we just ... Um ... Well we just remembered you remind us of someone." Adrian murmurs rubbing the back of his neck. I sniffle and just ignore that comment because I know he is lying. Lee picks me up and puts me on his hip. I lay my head on his shoulder as he strokes my hair. "were sorry little Kirsten." Lee and Adrian say in sync. Adrian starts to tickle me and I giggle. "big brother that tickles!" I shout. "the tickle monsters are here!" they both shout and Lee lays me on the floor and they both tickle me. I squel and try to get away but they continue to tickle me. "Lee-Lee's turn! Lee-Lee's turn!" I yell to big brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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