Good in Every Bad

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader

Word Count: 1,907

Warning: fighting, swearing, angst, fluff

Summary: Y/N has knack, for seeing the good in everyone. After the events at Star court, Y/N, is convinced that there is good in Billy, now she just needs to prove it to her friends.

 After the events at Star court, Y/N, is convinced that there is good in Billy, now she just needs to prove it to her friends

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"Why do you always do this? How are you always seeing the good in people?"

Glaring at Steve you defended Billy, "I saw the good in you didn't I?"

Both you and Steve were walking side by side, into the school.

Scoffing, he got defensive, "Yeah but I'm different!"

Rolling your eyes, at your best friend, you tried again, "How are you different? You were King Steve. Remember when you broke Jonathon's camera?"

"Yeah, but I bought him a new one."

"You did or Nancy did?"

"Nan- Hey! That's not fair!"

"All's fair, in love and war Steve."


You had won the argument for the time being, but that didn't mean that Steve would just drop the subject either.

"Why are you so hell bent, that Hargrove is a good guy anyways?"

Finally, arriving at your lockers, you groan at him as you opened your locker, "Steve." Sighing in frustration, you knew he wasn't going to let it go unless he got a satisfactory answer, "Because we're all different people after what happened, and you know it. He could've had a hard home life. None of us know. Besides, we all gave chances, after the stunts you pulled."

Steve let out a frustrated sound, "Yeah but...."

"But nothing Steve." You hissed back at him in annoyance, "He hasn't done anything since this summer, that otherwise contradicts my argument that he's changed."

"Hey, guys." Jonathon and Nancy came up standing next to either of you. Robin shortly joined there after.

"Don't even get them started, Nance." Jonathon groaned rolling his eyes.

"They're still having the same argument?" Jonathon didn't bother answering Nancy, before she piped in, "I agree with, Y/N."

"I agree with, Y/N too dingus."

Both Nancy and Robin agreeing with you caught everyone off guard, including you. After the initial shock, you smiled, and side hugged both of them.

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