Cнα⅊тɛʀ 12 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

Those photos were supposed to be hints that could answer my current questions and yet they just piled more theories and ideas onto me. 'Was Ben my stepbrother or something?' This entire situation, from the moment I started working at Coopers Inc was super confusing and as far as I knew, my dad had never had a second marriage so having a second brother or stepbrother didn't quite make sense. 'It'll be easier to get both mom and dad in one place and question them about this straight up when they're together', I noted because judging from Ben's activities at the party and in the photos, it seemed that even he didn't know about any of his connections to me or my side of the family if he was my sibling.

And if it was true?

I didn't want to think about that. I had no idea what my next steps would be, it seemed ridiculous that dad hadn't even informed us about Ben. 'Why didn't he say anything?' I vexed frustratedly, 'I mean I know dad and I don't talk anymore but these sorts of matters should be discussed for crying out loud!'

Thinking back to how Ben and Dad hugged at the cafeteria made me shudder in distaste. Ben could not turn out like my own father had turned out. If Ben was family, then I had to look after him and protect him from that evil flea. Then there was the connection shared with the Coopers. I debated whether to ask Elian about Ben and their friendship since he was the most likely to reveal something to me about this but then again, the Coopers liked their privacy, and I wasn't sure if they'd appreciate my blatant snooping. 'If I have a stepbrother or half-brother then I need to know about this', I decided as I contacted Elian and sent him the photo where he was with Ben in the restaurant. My parents would be interrogated at a later time when I got the chance but for now, baby steps.

Following the photo, I attached a small message questioning Elian about Ben, who he was to Elian and what they were doing. I saw that he had looked at the message and when I thought he'd message me straight back I was disappointed to find out that he had ignored me. 'Fine. Guess I'll have to wait then', I huffed but I was glad to be stubborn and curious for once. It gave me all the motivation in the world.

Meanwhile, the one person in the world I wanted to avoid had sent me a message. Elijah's words were as usual rude and condescending:

Why didn't you come in today? Meet me at Brooklyn Fare Kitchen at midday sharp. Don't you dare even think about disobeying me and wear something formal to the place.

I rolled my eyes, rage forming in my chest as I questioned the malice he'd intertwined in his words, 'Was he threatening me? What's he going to do if I disobey?' If the opportunity arose for me to get a clean shot at him and elbow him right in the nose, I'd take it. Then again Brooklyn Fare was known as an expensive restaurant, it was stunning with it's unique hanging pots of flowers and wooden stalls of fresh vegetables. I had never been inside the restaurant, but it was on my bucket list. It would be an amazing opportunity to actually go there but I didn't want to see Elijah's face.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now