Cry Baby

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.. $Pay's P.O.V$ ..

        Okay. So . Harry, did something. And apparently haz to do with me. What could it be.? I wanna know...

  "Harry's P.O.V"

     I arived at Niall's place. I got out my car and went up to the door. I went to go knock on the door, but Niall opened it like if he waz slolking the door. "Bout time lad." Niall said, complaining. "Yeah, yeah.. What's up guys.?" I walked in. "Um. Harry.. " Liam started. "Harry, you know you can tell us anything, right.? And that you can tell us bad things you have done. Were your brothers, you can trust us.. Trust me." Louis finished. "What are you guys talking about.?" I hope they aren't talking about how I... Y'know... "Harry ? I think everyone here knows what you did." Holy hell... "GUYS.!! I DIDNT MEAN TO.!! IT JUST HAPPENED.!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO.!!! I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD EVER HAPPEN.. THAT I WOULD EVA DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS.!!!" I started crying . "HARRY," "I REALLY DIDNT MEAN TO.!! YOU GUYS CAN'T TELL PAYTON.!! SHE'LL BE SO SO SO MAD AT ME.!!" "HHHAARRROOOLLLDDD.!!!!!!" "Huh.?" I calmed down only a little. "Harry, we won't. If you don't want us to, we won't tell. Just calm down, please.?" "Okay Louis, guys I'm really sorry, but I think I wanna go. " I got up and left. I can't believe that I was so venerable to the guys. How did they find out ? Did Payton remember.? Did she tell them.?!

     @Niall's P.O.V@

   Um. That went uh..well.. "Okay, so uh.." I say. "That..." Liam stunnly try to speak. "Well.. At least he.." Louis got quiet. "Okat well I'll see you all later. " Zayn gets up and leaves. "Yepp I'm out, bye guys.!!" Louis said all hipper all of a sudden. "Well, its me and-" I start. "Bye, Niall." Liam leaves before I finish. "You .. " I finish when liam gets out the door.. This day is .. Wow. . I took my phone out to call Pay and tell her some lie, because we told Harry that we wouldn't tell anyone.  I dialed Payton's number and called. "Ugh, hello.?" She sounded.. Hurt.. Or , something like payn. "Hi Payton, are you okay.? Its Niall." "Niall, there is caller ID." she said kinda sarcastincly. "Haa, what's wrong.? You seem.. In some type of payn or something.. " "I'm fine Niall.. Just a lil woosy. Idk why so don't ask. A lil sore, but I'm fine. Probley from all the working out I've been doing. " "oh, well Harry haz been acting like that because he uh.. He..." I think I should have thought of a lie then called... "He uh. Uh uh. What.?" "He um.. He he likes you."

123... A/N...321

Hey babes.!! Sooo so so srry for not updating... Is all if this stuff.. Like.. Idk.. Umm.. Interesting.? To any of you guys.?! Not you nae ily .. Update soon ily all so much..!!!!!! ~ Karly

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