Chapter 1

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Rue's POV:
That annoying buzzing sound of my alarm went off right in my ear. I jumped up and looked around. I heard laughing and looked down to see my best friend Matt balled up on the floor laughing really hard.

"Matt you ass!!" I screeched. He got up and said "I'm sorry babe". Oh yeah, we're not dating but we call each other babe.. It's our thing. Man I don't know what I would do if he ever found out I liked him, I've liked him since we met in the third grade.

Matt's POV

I knocked on Rue's door to see her twin sister Talia open it. "Is she still sleeping?" I asked her. Talking about Rue. This is normal, me and Rue have been best friends since the third grade, me and Talia are friends just not as much as me and Rue.

I snuck up the curving stairs of the mansion and tip toed to Rue's room. I opened the door ever so slowly and went in. Her alarm goes off at 11:45 every morning and it was... 11:44!! I grabbed the alarm and held it by her ear waiting for it to go off
She jumped up so fast. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off, and I fell on the ground. But man was she still adorable when she woke up.

I've had a crush on Rue since we met. That day was special. We were outside at recess and she was sitting by herself on a bench, so I ran up to her and said "you're cute" and she said "you are too" and ever since then we've been two peas in a pod.

"Matt you ass!!" She was cute when she was mad too. "I'm sorry babe" I apologized and brought her into a bear hug. "Whatever" she huffed. She still loves me. "Hey, go get ready, we're going out for breakfast and then shopping." I demanded. She picked up her outfit and went into her bathroom to get ready, I sat on her bed and waited for her while watching tv.

Rue's POV
I guess Matt and I are going out today! I picked up my outfit and went into the bathroom to get ready. I had a cute sky blue crop top and high waisted white shorts with black vans and a black beanie. I put my radio on and jumped in the shower.

I screamed in the shower. This had to be my all time favorite song. I got out when the song was over and got dressed. After I didn't know what to do with my hair. I walked into my room and asked Matt, "hey babe what do you want me to do with my hair?" He answered back quickly "KEEP IT NATURAL!" I laughed and went back into the bathroom. My natural hair were really tight curls. And I had medium length hair, it barely went to the middle of my back, it was thick and dark brown too. My makeup? I just put in mascara and eyeliner as usual. I don't put on that foundation crap or anything else, maybe eye shadow sometimes.

Matt's POV
Man did I love her natural hair, it was so cute. I was so caught up in Red Band Society, I didn't even realize she was standing at her door ready to go. "MATT!! Ready?" She said eagerly. I jumped up and clicked off the tv. We made our way downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey Mary" I said to her mother, "oh hey Matt!" She said not turning around, it looked like she was cooking something. "Bye ma I'll be back!" Rue shouted as she and I walked out the door.

We jumped in my black beamer and sped off. I stopped half way to the place and pulled over. I reached in the back seat for a bandana and handed it to Rue. She looked so confused, "put it on, it's a surprise where I'm taking you", she rolled her eyes and put it on, then I continued to drive. There was this new place in the town next to us, it was rated 5 stars everywhere else and I thought I'd bring her to a special place for special news.

I'm going on this tour with a bunch of other guys, Digitour I believe? Well I was leaving for an entire year, and Rue was very upset because she couldn't come. But I talked to a few people, made a few deals and BAM, she can come, so I'm telling her today.

Rue's POV:
"Matt we've been driving for years, where the hell are we going?" Realistically it's only been like half an hour. After a while he stopped and made me put on this bandana, you've got to be kidding me. "Put it on!" He handed it to me, I rolled my eyes and out it on. Finally after a while the car stopped and he turned it off. "Okay okay take it off." He told me. I took it off and we were at this place I've heard of before, it's been in New York City, LA and Texas and it's only been rated 5 stars at every place. "AHH" I squealed. I jumped on Matt and gave him a huge hug. "May I escort you in?" He said in a posh accent and he put his arm, I giggled, "you may kind sir". We were honestly such dorks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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