Super Bored

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Anyone else bored in quarantine? I'm in the USA, and if anyone has been watching the news, it's a shit show here. Both governments are all over the place deciding how they want to handle all of this. As of right now in my state, all restaurants are closed, grocery stores have to limit the number of customers inside, and it's slowly becoming mandatory to wear masks everywhere. My university is closed, as well as most schools across the country.

Thankfully my family and I are safe at home, I'm just very bored and procrastinating on my schoolwork. Sadly, I lost my job, since I'm a server in a restaurant, and thy closed dine-in places. I used to make $300-$400/week, and the government is only sending me $72/week for unemployment. Luckily I had some money saved up to cover my bills, because that unemployment stimulus is a JOKE.

I've been sewing and selling face masks online to supplement my income. It's been helping quite a bit, thankfully. After I made my money back from materials I purchased for them, I used the rest of my income to buy a Nintendo Switch Lite since I'm bored out of my mind and needed something to do. I've been playing Rune Factory 4 again nonstop for days.

How is everyone else doing? I'm stressed about online classes and passing the rest of the semester.

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