Chapter 1: Meeting Mr.Night

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So to whom it may concern:

I wrote this book when I was like... 15. I had no clue what I was doing. No indication of how to correctly write a story nor any idea where I was going with it. I just enjoyed writing and creating character. I loved cliche love stories and really just enjoyed this for fun. That being said: This story will not be completed.

So to everyone bitching and moaning about how horrible it was; I understand it was a bit random and had no direction. But being 15 and trying to write well, it happens some times. And as an adult just trying to finish it; because I am completely anal and cannot leave things unfinished; the chapters I had written or would write would be so disappointing and detached. I don't even remember what this story is about to be honest.

So with this all being said I have completely given up ever picking up this story to complete it. Sorry. To everyone who loved and still loves Hayley and Logan I am so sorry I am unable to complete their love story.

But if you want to read what I have written go ahead. At your own risk. Enjoy. :)

If anyone ever wants to pick this story up and edit and maybe complete it message me. I have no qualms about handing it over!
Thank you so much for accompanying me on my journey. Wattpad was literally the reason I made it through high school all those years ago.
Xoxo Jen

VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE? COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT? please? its okay if you dont...but itd be nice :) :) :) ohhhhhhh advice for maybe you would like this story to do is cool tooo cuz idk what i'm gonna do about this story yet.... :)

the song that started it all-------->

Chapter one

Hayley's POV:

Okay no matter how much you try to spin it, school sucks. I mean angry teachers, bitchy blondes, player jocks, for the above average loser school is a living hell. I hate it. I'm pretty much the biggest loser in school. I have two friends, that's it. One is my emo crazy bitch (in a good way) of a best friend Jane. And the other is my caring sweet Noah. But he's gay, so no romance there.

Jane's got this bleach blonde/ silver hair with black and blue streaks in it. Her brown eyes have a ring of black around them 24/7. Her clothes consist of mostly black and neon clothes. She was your average emo girl. Well scene I guess...? I don't know she tried to explain it to me but I didn't quite get it.... Noah is 6'1 brown hair gray eyes if he wasn't gay I'd be into him. But sadly he is therefore does not swing my way... too bad huh? But both were fairly attractive, were as I was too short standing at 5'1 long wavy black hair. Grossly pale like borderline ghost, not that pretty pale but creepy pale skin. And pale blue eyes. I wore glasses religiously. I mean sure I really didn't need them, they were for show. But the glasses covered my face so I didn't really care. I was deathly thin, no matter how much I ate I was still sickly small. My clothes were mostly jeans and over sized t-shirt with either my black boots or converse. I wasn't exactly fashion conscious, it didn't make sense to me. I watched as all those girls spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a pair of jeans or a t-shirt that wouldn't last more than a year, maybe less. Especially in my school, girls and boys in my school change their look and clothes so quick I don't even have time to blink.

My face was always in a book I rarely talked in class or to anyone in general. Teachers stopped calling on me which was just how I liked it. You'd think I'd be a nerd smart but I'm not. I'm pretty average. I'm even failing biology. It's hard okay?? Especially if you have a teacher that sits there gives you a pack of notes tells you to fill them out then talks about her love life. And trust me hearing about a 50 year olds sex life is pretty disturbing.

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