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Levistus' POV

These humans haven't figured it out, well except wrath he almost blew our cover. He can't get a hold of what seems to be his puppet.

*You know these little humans hasn't get the grasp of what's happening* Sloth said in a matter of fact tone.
*Shut it, Sloth we don't even know why you all are here* Bolverk hiss.
*I already explained it guys, we were lock out of hell and I don't know why* Sloth said.
*And how did it happen?* I asked, it's not probably Lucifer, knowing him he has a soft heart.
*I don't know, One moment me and glutt is having fun the next minute we can't contact any of the guys* Sloth said dramatically.
*It's impossible to close the hell's door* Bolverk said.
*I know so what happened?* Sloth asked us.

The last time this happened was when Satan tried to conquer the world. Don't tell me it is happening again? But it's impossible because Lucifer will know very well if something is wrong.

*We need to find the others though* Sloth said.
*Wow it's coming from you? The one who is a GOD of sloth?* Bolverk said amused.
*I know but it felt like there's something wrong* Sloth said and it got me thinking. If they are out here, who's helping Lucifer down there???
*Who's with Lucifer?* I asked.
*Maalik the gate keeper* Sloth answer shrugging.

"I'm coming out!" We heard a voice out of our conversation. I peak outside these human's eye so look around
"Hey Kun can you get me some milktea when you comeback?" Another voice was talking.
"Oh ofcourse sicheng I'll message you when I'm on the milktea shop" the kid answer.
"Thank you!"

And then I see a door, so the kid I am in decided to take a jog at night? Why is he so keen on doing this kind of stuff? I'm giving him enough strength. But it'll help me for sure to think of a way. This had happened on the past I know. That's why I am curious as to why it is happening again. It was said that the seal from the hell's gate is powerful enough to make any demons weak when they go out of hell, thus we need to possess a human being so that we could eat up their soul, unless they make a deal out of us then it'll means that their soul will be ours.

"Ofcourse okay I'll be there" I heard the kid said with his phone. I went out of the kid's shadow and sat on his shoulder, examining the place where at, it has a river with bench and trees. It's a nice place.

"Hello? Sicheng I was called to the company? Could you wait for a minute?" He said.
"Oh no need Kun, I was also called actually we all are so we're all heading to the company right now. I can get it afterwards" said the voice on the other line.
"Oh okay take care and see you soon!" He chirped and end the call.

He walked for about 20 minutes and he stop at the tall buildihg. I can feel his heart get anxious. What is this feeling? I stayed on his shoulder taking everything I can see. Sliding doors, busy people. Left and right establishments.
"Hey!" I heard someone shouting.
"Oh hey you're here already?" The kid asked.
"I was out when they called so I just went straight" the other kid said.

I wasn't claustrophobic, but there this feeling I can't quite pin. It wasn't the kid's aura, it wasn't the others  too. Demons recognize other demons but I can't figure it out who I only know there is something in these building and I need to find it. I will work first, alone then I'll gather them to inform that we are in a lot of trouble if Satan is planning to conquer the whole world again. It wasn't nice at all. All the types of criminals were out there killing, lashing, doing bad stuffs and hell was doomed from all the spirits and sinners, we didn't even handled them at all. Hell was so overcrowded that some sinners kills each other just to get out of hell.


The door opens and reveals a lot of humans. They're hugging each other. Greeting and laughing. Some talked and some just stayed quiet. They were walking and entered a big cold room. They sat on the chairs in the center table and someone entered the room, he seems to be on his mid-50 with wrinkles all over his face. I tried to roam around trying to get his attention. I can feel it, there's something wrong about this man. He was the one causing these feelings to me, I feel fidgety and itchy, his aura smells of a rotten dead rat mixed with eggs and blood.

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