Chapter 1

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4 A.M. ;
'ugh' I think as I get up to get ready for school,
yeah, its friggin early, but i need to shower, brush my teeth, pick my out my outfit, etc. etc., and you'd think that i would need to stop going to school after learning basically the same thing over and over.. but no, MOTHER knows best, its good for our 'appearance', haha, as if, its good for her appearance, not mine. Like, I may look 17, but i'm not.. I turned on my 17th birthday by my mother, and repeating the same two grades, over, and over, and over, and over. Moving again, and again, and again, and again. I think you get the point. Also, lets get another thing sorted out, all those sterotypes? Yeah, MOST of them are not true. Notice I said most,
#1 : wtf, Garlic?! i eat it all the time -.-
#2 : a specially carved wooden stake to the heart would kill me, not just any random piece of wood to the heart.
#3 : Yes. I live forever unless of course, killed.
#4 : I can go out into the sun without being burned or turn into a fairy like Edward in that Twilight series.
#5 : I am pale by choice, not like, pasty pale, just. Pale. I could easily get a tan if i'd like to.
#6 : Yes we have mates.
#7 : Yes, werewolves can be are our nemesis, but sometimes we are very fond of them. Some of them end up being our mates even.
#8 : We can have children, but weird thing is, they're born human, but they can heal quickly, and sense other humans made by supernatural beings/supernaturals, like witches and werewolves and vampires, yada yada yada.
and if you haven't already caught on, i'm a vampire.
There is something.. rather special about me.. see, now this wasn't supposed to happen, or, i wasn't supposed to happen.. i'm part witch too.? That was actually supposed to be impossible. Like. Totally impossible.. but hey, i'm here, nothing you can do about it, the only things i can do is move things with my mind, and read your thoughts, and if you let me, i can see parts of your past.. also more of which i do not know yet, because these things.? They started happening when i was 25, then again at 30, and stopped, but then i realized that i made them
stop happening, i totally shut them out, what could i say?! i was scared!!!
Anyways.. Where were we? ah, yes, getting ready for school. Hmm. What to wear, what to wear.. First day of school too. I went through my clothes and found a cute black dress.. It was short in front, and gradually got longer in the back.. and it was partially lace and i had just gotten it so i thought it looked sweet, and me, not being a heel girl, just wore my black combat boots with the dress, and after i got all that situated, i hopped into the shower, washed and shaved, hopped out, put on my robe, brushed my teeth, dried my long, black hair, brushed it out, and put hair spray on it to make sure all of the frizzy's stayed down, then, i applied my make-up, just primer, my bb cream, my eyeliner, a little lipgloss, and my mascara, {the process ; i put on my primer then my bb cream and after i put eyeliner around my bright blue eyes, i put on my mascara, and just because i had time, i added a little wing to my eyes.} after, i carefully got on my beautiful black dress. I didn't want to ruin my make-up!! and then, of course put on my shoes, got a little bit of blood we have in our special refrigerator, poured it in a cup, and made my lunch. A turkey sandwich with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and a couple blood pills, so when i bite into the sandwich, i still get my blood and the food tastes better, not that it tastes bad it just tastes better with a little blood, you see, my mom is a nurse, and my dad is a surgeon, so she can easily get things we need from the hospital, no idea where she gets the blood pills though.
Anyways.. i guess we're kind of rich? I mean, my dad isn't here much because he's a surgeon and he's always gone because he only needs maybe 2 hours of sleep, yes we need sleep too, and my mom has been irritating him, my mom is usually home because she works 5 days a week at most on busy weeks or someone has an emergency and she might cover for them, but she usually works 3 or 4 days a week, depending on how irritating i am. Pretty much everything we own is black, our car, our couches, our dinner plates, our clothes, all of our hair. Sometimes even our eyes turn black!! Ugh. I really need to stop rambling. I got up 3 hours early and i ended up having enough time to watch an episode of The Vampire Diaries. Even though they have somethings wrong about vampires. Damon Salvatore is hot. So why not? By the time i'm done with the episode, i'm on the verge of crying. I rage in my head about Elena and Damon and his damn brother. ugh. FEELZ!! I quickly check to see if my make up is ruined, thank god its not. At least i know now to never watch The Vampire Diaries before school.
I grab my earbuds and my bag, and my lunch, and head out the door, i get in the black vehicle and speed away. Did i mention i just moved here? My junior year at Oakley High. I need to not only get my schedule, but find out where my locker is, and attempt to find my class'. So i'm going 45 minutes early. They said i could to get situated first, 6:45A.M. and i'm off to school. I quickly type in my schools address on my iPhone and make sure i remembered it right. ugh, i'm so going to get lost..
* 20 minutes later *
I ended up getting lost and needing help, luckily an old man helped me out and gave me directions. When i arrive at school, the parking lot is pretty full for it being 7:10ish, i pick a spot thats not too close but not to far. I don't want to get in the way of a preps parking spot. Never again.
I walk into school and go to the office. I see a blonde girl and slightly knock so i don't startle her.
"Oh, hello there! You must be new here! I'm Ms. Rickardson, and you are?" She says a little too happily with a bright fake smile on her face.
"Hi, I'm Crystal, Crystal-" i start to say my fake last name, but i'm cut off..
"Ah yes! I know who you are! Your mom talked to me over the phone, I have everything you need right here!!"
Ms. Rickardson hands me my schedule, and a small map with my lunch code on it, and then pushes me out of the office, and points me in the direction of my locker.
'God, this Crystal girl is so pretty.. and you know what they say about pretty girls, she's a bitch, i would've guessed it even if she weren't pret-'
Oh. So that's why she wants me gone so fast, well, she thinks i'm a bitch? i'll show her one.
"Wait!" i say with the snottiest tone.
"Can you help me with the code? i've never had this kind of locker before.." I say. I chew my gum loudly and pretend to look at my nails.
"Uhm, okay.." she says, slightly worried. She takes my schedule and looks at my locker number, and then she walks to my locker.
"Okay, so here's how you do it.." she says, i zone out, and realize how nervous i actually am for the first day of school.. what if my mate is here?!
ugh, i can't over think like this, i've been to multiple highschools, and not once have i found my mate. I sigh impatiently and say "Okay, are we done here?" She gives me a dirty look thinking i couldn't see her face, and says "Yes, and you're welcome for opening your locker."
"Whatever" i say as i bend down, and slam it shut. Then, I open it with ease hoping she was looking, she was. I give her a fake smile and turn back to what i was doing. I put everything I don't need in my locker, and look at the time, people are just starting to arrive from off the bus', I look to see what class i have first. Heres how it goes.
Hour 1 ; English
Hour 2 ; Math
Hour 3 ; History
Hour 4 ; Lunch
Hour 5 ; Science
Hour 6 ; Gym
Hour 7 ; Homeroom
I find my classroom and look at the teacher.
Damn. He. Is. Hot. He has light brown hair with green eyes with cute nerd glasses, he looks at me and smiles and i almost drop my books. His smile, is the most perfect smile, in the world, he starts to look worried.. "Hello?" I snap out of it and smile, "Hey, I'm Crystal, and i'm kind of new here.. uhm, just wondering, where do i sit?"
He gives me a warm smile and extends his hand. "Hi Crystal, i'm Mr. Lukas, but I prefer all my student just call me Luke." He says. I shake his hand and oh my gosh his hand is so warm and soft. When I, reluctantly, let go of his hand, he heads to his computer and looks at the seating chart i'm assuming.
"Well Crystal, I'm sorry to inform you, but you sit in the middle back with Andy." I go and put my stuff down and smile at him before i leave. I kinda wanted to see around the school and I did have 10 minutes.. As i walk around, i spot a bad boy and his little gang.. I try to see if anyone in there is vampire or werewolf or warlock/witch.. as i'm eyeing the group up and down, someone bumps into me, i start to fall but i feel a pair of strong arms catch me, the pair of strong arms seem to be attached to a nice werewolf body. I look up at him and he is gorgeous, he has dirty blonde hair with the greenest eyes i think i've ever seen. He blushes and lets go of me once i've gained my balance, "Sorry babe, didn't mean to make you fall for me, but at least i caught ya" he says with a smirk. Great. I hope all the hot guys here aren't like that. I looked at him dead in the eye and gave him a stern warning. "Don't ever. Call me babe. Again." I say, as i turn to walk away he grabs my arm and spins me back and i'm up against his chest. "How about baby?" He whispers in my ear. I play along for the moment, just so i can see what his intentions are.. 'damn she's hot, i'm gonna bang her someday, no one can resist me, i took half this schools virginity, and i think she likes what i'm doing.. she'll be so easy..' He thinks and i can feel the smirk on his lips, his hands start to go down my body. I pull back far enough to- "OOUCH!!" he yells as i knee him in the balls. I get down and whisper in his ear "don't touch me without my permission either." And i strut away with sass, I can feel someones eyes burning into my back. I quickly turn my head for a second and it's one of the bad boys. My heart skips a beat. I walk around for a bit more and try to find my class.. The halls are clearing and the first bell that tells everyone that they need to get to class rang. Then after a minute more, no one is there, and the bell rings.
'shit' i think 'being late on the first day is not such a great second impression'
HEY GUYSS!! First book, only for fun unless i decide i'm gonna be super serious about it (aka update every week & stuff) i'm always kinda busy with my friends//family so it won't be updated much, unless someone shows actual interest (comments on insta post or somethin) anyways.. just lettin ya know (;
if you need to contact me for any reason,
instagram ; lexi.dechaney
okay guys!! ✌️ stay lovely !

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