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(this is gonna be in your pov the whole story)

i sat quietly in my room on my phone. my fingers softly tapping the screen as i scrolled down, reading a fanfiction. my eyes looked to the top corner of the phone seeing it was time to leave. i had already gotten ready, i wore a black turtle-neck with black ripped jeans and (f/c) shoes. i turned my phone off and stood up, i started walking twords my door. i quietly and quickly made my way out, walking down the stairs. i passed the living room seeing my drunk sad excuse for a father laying asleep on the couch. i furrowed my eyebrows and looked away to the door. i walked out making sure not to slam the door

after a few minutes of walking down the street, i made it to my good friend, yoon bum's house. we used to go to school together for 7 years, i year back we reunited and decided to keep in touch. it became a routine to come to bum's place to just hang out, he has this little crush on a guy named sangwoo, I'd sometimes tease him about it. well, back to reality. i knocked on bums door. i see him open the door and look at me, his usual nervous expression "hi (y/n)" bum greets me "hi bum!" i say with a small smile. "so what are we gonna do today?" i asked, we always would either stay at his place, go to the park, or just walk around "um, well..." yoon bum had an anxious expression, "i found out where sangwoo lives..." bum said fidgeting with his fingers

i just stared at ham for a while "oh! so are gonna confess?" i asked with a smirk. "..." he looked down in embarrassment "well, lead the way" i smiled "i wanna be there with you" i say, right now bum is the only person close to me, since everyone left me behind.. but! thats behind us now! bum had a faint smile and started walking out after he closed and locked his door. i just followed behind. 

we started walking around a neighborhood that seemed pretty deserted. yoon stopped in front of a house with a red gate, this must be it! he opened the gate and we stepped in. once we got to the door, bum reached in his pocket and pulled out a paper. he threw some type of powder on the keypad and then started writing down numbers. i stood there confused "bum?" i said and made him jump "y-yea (y/n)" he looked at me as if he just killed someone....... i know this is bad but, maybe i should just let him...."be quick, we dont know when he'll come back" bum loosend up a bit. we where standing there for a while 

i was looking at the street in front of us, suddenly a cop car pulled up, but i kinda zoned out, staring down the street until bum grabbed my sleeve "he's one of my close friends, s-so i dont think sangwoo would mind" i looked at bum who turned to put another code in 'guess we're going to jail...' i thought to myself but, the lock opened and let us in. bum said farewell to the cops and walked in, me following suit. i sighed and just followed bum around. i decided to look around on my own, while bum went in a room. i felt my phone vibrate, i reached intoo my pants pocket and grabbed the phone, my dad was calling me..... i frowned and put it back in my pocket , ignoring it. 

i quietly made my way back to bum, there was this door on the ground, it seemed like a basement we both walked down.we carefully went down each step till we made it to the bottom. i was looking twords the sides of the room and heard bum gasp, i shot my head to the side looking at him, he seemed to be looking forward so i looked too. "what the fuck..." i whispered while stepping back a bit "c'mon, we should g--" i was interrupted by a pain in the side of my head "(y/n)!" bum called out. whoever hit me started walking to bum, he fell down when i got hit and is now on the ground. i crawled and before they could get out of my reach i grabbed onto they're leg "leave bum alone!" i said harshly, he turned and kicked my head with his other leg. i yelped in pain, i grabbed my head to try to ease the pain. i assume im bleeding or sweating a lot, when i touched my head i felt some liquid. my vision got blurry and soon i was unconscious. 

i had woke up in an unfamiliar place. i sat up confused and suddenly my memories where recalled. i looked around and saw bum right next to unconscious, right to the side of him was the girl from earlier.... "oh dear god..." i muttered. she was all tattered up, her lifeless eyes just stared at bum, i sighed. i shivered and noticed i was only wearing my boxers. i tried to hide myself as much as possible. i moved my knees to my chest and buried my face into the middle of the as my arms hugged my legs. 'if only i had stopped bum.....we wouldn't be here, fuck..." i thought to myself and said that last word out loud. 

"well well well, you're awake" someone said coming down the stairs. it was sangwoo. "ah!" i herd bum yell, i guess he woke up and saw the girl. "that's not nice. you shouldnt scream when you see a ladies face" sangwoo said walking over to bum, i glared at him. he turned his head to me, it felt like his eyes where looking through my soul..... it pissed me off, i gritted my teeth as my glare grew "whats with the glare..... (y/n)~?" my eyes slightly widened, 'how the hell does he know my name?' just after i thought that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet.... fuck! that's my wallet! "(y/n) (l/n), age: 24, haircolor: (y/h/c) eyecolor: (e/c) sex: male...." he started reading my ID, 'this fucker! ill kick his ass' "so whats you're reason you broke in? huh?" sangwoo asked staring at me blankly " i don't have to tell you shit" i spat. his gaze darkened and then he kicked my side, "ack!" i yelped in pain, "he just wanted to tag along with me! he didn't realize we where gonna break in!" yoon bum said frantically trying to have me not get hurt anymore. 

sangwoo reached into a black bag he was carrying and crouched down. he pulled out a can and opened it "you two must be hungry" he said grabbing a spoon and putting it in the can "open your mouth. dont worry its just porridge" he said and was about to feed bum, he stuck the spoon in his mouth. the porridge started to spill out the side of bums mouth "what the hell! don't spill it!" sangwoo shouted and poured the porridge on yoon bum "hey!" i yelled, and tried to run over but the chanes stopped me, and my legs hurt like hell. sangwoo had leaned over and kissed bum, bum had tears in his eyes and looked super surprised 'fucked up bastard...' i thought to myself glaring at sangwoo.

bum had bent his leg up and caught sangwoo's attention. sangwoo stood up and walked to a wall that had a sledge hammer resting on it "hey.....wait!" i said realizing what he was gonna do, yoon bum was there begging for sangwoo not to do it. i just sat there and stared as sangwoo bashed his leg.i didnt notice but i had tears steaming down my face. i covered my ears and curled in a ball, i couldn't handle bum screaming, it hurt me inside....

(so how was it? this is my 3rd wattpad story but my other two are in my other acc, i hope you enjoyed reading this, ill try to update daily or weekly)

word count 1370~ ~ 

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