The Sun and the Moon

350 11 2

3rd person

It was a nice day at phoenix drop,no raindrops,No drama just a cloudy day at the well said Village. Even though what happened to there Lord went down. Two guards were walking around the forest to find something out of the ordinary in the outskirts of there Village.

A man with Dark hooded man was walking to same forest of the Well said Village. He was holding a staff and a Sphere object with a star in the middle. When he got to a particular spot he stab the staff in the grass while he throw the sphere ball besides the staff. The staff glowed in purple hue while the ball shots some particles of tiny little stars that dance around the staff.

After a minute later two girls were there laying down with only two pieces clothes warp around them. The black hair girl lock eyes with the [H/c] girl who is fast asleep besides her. She warp her one arm around the [H/c] girl's wrist while she buried her head on top of the girl's head.

While the Brunet watch this moment unfold,his heart was aching by watching what the black haired girl did to the [H/C] haired girl.

"I heard something coming from this direction!" A voice said somewhere in the north side of the girls.

The Brunet boy disappeared from the scene. As a guard run towards the scene, A brown eyes guard pointed his sword at the black haired maiden. "It's not every day we find a maidens in this woods." he said threatening to the the black hair girl. "Now answer me! Who are you!" He scream again at the black Head girl"Don't play coy with me! I can see right through you!" His Eyebrows knott while the defenseless woman just tighten her grip around the other girl's wrist. "You're playing the poor defenseless woman. But once I turn my back you'll take me for all I'm worth" The said black haired woman still tighten her grib around the other girl to protect her from this mask weirdo by then her body can't handle the dizziness,she collapse her other arm is still warp around the other woman's wrist.

The guard had a little panick then he started to poke the black haired maiden. He strap back his sword and said with all mighty "Hahaha! Enemy Defeated"He healed his head high as he look back at the other girl besides the said black hair woman. He look at the woman besides the black girl to have his heart skip a beat. He saw the most Beautiful Maiden he ever seen in this world. A [H/C]  haired maiden with a two Arrows always pointing south was on her smoth looking skin{Like how aang always has Arrows on his body} and Skin tight two pieces dress. The guard then knell down at the [H/C] haired girl. He stuck out his fingers push away gently a two piece of hair away from the well said woman's forehead to reveal a two star symbols in the middle of that symbols was a Cresent moon on top of the girl's Forehead and three dots on her two eyes.

"Zenix!" Called by other man with a full body suit Armor and a guard looking helmet. The Guard stood back up and quickly turn around. The guard sign and Said "What did you do."  The guard with a helmet quickly run towards the two maidens to check if the two Maidens are still alive "Nothing the black head girl merely fainted from the mere threat of my presence."

The guard look at Zenix with a disapproval look"The two Maidens seems like no threat." The guard then turned towards the maiden that Zenix threatened and gave a the sleeping girl a glance " They seems to be suffering from extreme Exhaustion and hunger"

Zenix then fixed his eyes at the [H/C] girl worriedly. To think she was able to survive in the wilds with no food and water. "Whoa now that you mention it." Zenix followed his comrade and knell down again. "There practically naked!" Then a sudden heat hit the Helmet guard as he took his partner's word with a sudden realization.

Zenix also Realize to what he said and look at away from the other maiden. The helmet guard places his left hand on Zenix shoulder"Zenix.... As a noble guard you should learn to be more respectful with your words" Zenix look at his other guard with a anger look "What! They are! Look at them!" The guard sign and took off his cape and warp it around the black girl's body. He look at his partner with a serious look under his helmet "Give me your cape" the other guard protest. But The helmet guard beat him to it by ripping the cape off of the guard shoulders "It wasn't a request"

he went around the whining guard to warp Zenix's cape to the [H/c] haired girl's body"Oh come on!" To be honest, Zenix doesn't mind if his cape was warp around your Petit [S/c] body he was extremely happy that his cape was going to smell like his Soon-to-be Wife"I literally just got that on matelli!" But one thing is for sure. His companion was touching his Wife's body with his filthy hands" you should have kept your mouth shut about there Attire then" the guard then pick up the [H/c] then turn to Zenix "Carry the other maiden. We're going back home" for a moment Zenix's eyes went lively when the helmet guard said that there going back in the village with his Wife. He suddenly realized that there taking the other maiden to.

"We're taking her back to the village!" He pointed at the black haired girl. "We aren't leaving a defenseless woman for the fiends to feast on" Zenix was ok if his Wife is going back home with her. But the other maiden he can not after what she did with her wife" but I defended her!" The helmet guard look at the poor woman on the floor then to Zenix"I'll believe that when you defeated the infestation of rats at our guard quarters, like I ask you to do over a week ago" he fixes his hold on to the Other maiden. "Now Carry her!" Zenix ground"You gotta be kidding me!"

The helmet guard look at Zenix with a angry look inside his mask "Listen with all due respect Garroth, please hear me out." Zenix place his right hand on Garroth's shoulder "We're bringing an outsider with everything going on. Do you think the people are going to keep listening to you! There already blaming you for the death of our lord".

"There's nothing I can do about it!" Garroth scream making the poor woman in the helmet guard arms to almost woke up due to the loud noises that the helmet guard made. To that scream they can almost see the glance of the sleeping maiden's eyes. A different eyes that is on the left is a [E/c] and the other one is a pinkish purple eye with a Cresent moon pupils. The two guys awed for a period of time until the guard decided to rock the girl back to sleep, the maiden then shut her eyes and went back to sleep. They sign in relief with a hint of sadness when the girl Close her eyes and went back to sleep.

The guard then lock eyes with Zenix under his helmet" I did everything I could, the least I can do know is insure that nobody else died." Garroth then walk past Zenix with the [H/c] maiden in his arms "We'll talk more about the village situation later right now let's get the two maidens to safety."the helmet man then tighten his hold on the maiden that was in his arms. Afraid to let go "Now let's move." the man named Garroth then walk away with his princess in his arms.

After The Helmet guard left he then got to his knees and then pick up the other maiden"I hope you know what you're doing sir Garroth." He started to walk back at the this Said Village.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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